Message from the Attorney General and
Accountability Statement

Photograph -- Honourable Wally Oppal.An effective justice system is fundamental to democracy and is an essential part of the foundation required for a healthy, stable and prosperous society. Canada’s justice system is among the finest in the world, and British Columbia constantly strives to ensure the justice system serves the public and the public interest.

I am pleased to present the Ministry of Attorney General service plan for 2006/07–2008/09. This service plan is based on the ministry’s commitment to public safety and our role in the justice system. The plan reflects the escalating demands on the justice system and the need to safeguard its integrity, fairness and effectiveness within the resources available for public services. Accordingly, this service plan has a strong focus on law and justice reform, accessibility to the civil and family justice systems, and integration of the criminal justice system.

This plan also speaks to the importance of public confidence in the justice system, and to the pressing need to enhance public understanding of how the criminal, civil and family justice systems work. In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, other ministries and the broader justice sector, we are seeking new ways to address the chronic problem of repeat offenders who commit the majority of property crimes in the province.

Finally, as the Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism, I am advancing strategies to ensure that immigrants achieve their full potential in our culturally-diverse society and, together with all British Columbians, are able to help achieve government’s Five Great Goals and the ultimate vision for a prosperous and just province.

The Ministry of Attorney General 2006/07–2008/09 Service Plan was prepared under my direction in accordance with the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act. I am accountable for the basis on which the plan has been prepared. All material fiscal assumptions and policy decisions as of February 8, 2006, have been considered in preparing the plan, and I am accountable for achieving the specific objectives in the plan.

Honourable Wally Oppal
Attorney General and
Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism

February 8, 2006

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