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The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal is an independent, quasi-judicial body created by the B.C. Human Rights Code. The Tribunal is responsible for accepting, screening, mediating and adjudicating human rights complaints. The Tribunal offers the parties to a complaint the opportunity to try to resolve the complaint through mediation. If the parties don't resolve the complaint, the Tribunal holds a hearing.

The Tribunal is made up of members, one of whom is the Chair of the Tribunal. The members are experts in human rights law and are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

The Tribunal deals with human rights complaints that arise in British Columbia and are covered by the Human Rights Code. The Tribunal cannot deal with any other type of discrimination. For more information about the Tribunal, see the Tribunal's Guide 1 - The BC Human Rights Code and Tribunal.

The Tribunal has published a number of guides and information sheets which explain the Tribunal's process. Tribunal staff are also available to assist the parties.

You can contact the Tribunal at:

1170 - 605 Robson Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5J3
(604) 775-2000 phone
(604) 775-2020 fax
(604) 775-2021 (TTY)
1-888-440-8844 toll free (in B.C.)

Our email address is: BCHumanRightsTribunal@gov.bc.ca

The Tribunal tries to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the contents of our web-site, and we correct errors as identified. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the documents or information contained on this web-site. If there is a discrepancy between information on our web-site and an original, paper version, the original paper version is authoritative.
