Ministry Publications

Service Plans and Annual Reports

Quick link to Ministry of Transportation service plans and annual reports.

Transportation Studies and Reports

A selected list of reports and studies prepared by or for the Ministry of Transportation.

Engineering Publications

Links to selected PDF documents related to bridge engineering; environmental management;traffic, electrical, highway safety, and geometric standards; and geotechnical and pavement engineering.

Construction Maintenance Publications

Cost guides, specifications and information for preparing construction contracts and completion reports.

Highway Planning Publications (Coming Soon)

Transportation planning reports and data.

Marine Branch Publications

Province of British Columbia aerial and reaction ferry operation and maintenance manuals.

Ministry Forms

Province of British Columbia aerial and reaction ferry operation and maintenance manuals.


Road Runner

Employee newsletter.

Technical Circulars

A listing of current technical circulars and all technical circulars.

Technical Bulletins

Traffic and Electrical technical information, including changes to standards, safety notices and traffic controller information are distributed by the Ministry as Technical Bulletins.



B.C. Maps

Links to B.C. maps and mapping resources.