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1. Passenger Transportation Act
- 191 KB PDF 40 pages
2. Passenger Transportation Regulations
- 191 KB PDF 15 pages
3. Passenger Transportation Act - Frequently Asked Questions
4. Registrar Rules
- 51 KB PDF 5 pages
5. Application Process Flow Chart
6. General Authorization Registry Bulletins
7. NEW Compliance and Enforcement 
8. NEW Special Authorization Application Materials
9. NEW General Authorization Application Materials
10. Transfer Application Form
- 32 KB PDF 2 pages
11. Signing Authority Form
- 154 KB PDF 1 page
12. Change of Address Form
- 20 KB PDF 1 pages
13. Declaration of Lost or Stolen Plate and/or Passenger Transportation Document
- 61 KB PDF 1 pages
14. Application to Place Vehicle Certificate & Accompanying Identifier (Plate & Decal) on Alternate Vehicle
- 68 KB PDF 2 pages
15. Credit Card Remittance Slip
16. Important Notice: Recent Amendments to Division 10 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations
17. NEW Limousine Forum Q&As
18. NEW Industry Advisory– New & Revised Application Materials
19. NEW Timelines for Application and Licence Renewal - 40 KB PDF 2 pages
Other Links
Passenger Transportation Branch Directory
Passenger Transportation Board


Industry Notice
Meeting Notes - Vancouver Island Limousine Forum

A forum was held on October 5, 2006 with the Vancouver Island Limousine Operators to discuss the application of the Passenger Transportation Act to the Limousine Industry….

Industry Notice
Stretch Sport Utility Vehicle-type Limousines

It has come to the attention of the Passenger Transportation Branch that some owners/lessees of stretch Lincoln Navigator and Ford Excursion limousines may be providing...

Industry Notice
Connector Bus Review

The Passenger Transportation Branch is reviewing the Connector Bus exclusion to the inter-city bus definition, to ensure the application of the current wording of this exclusion is compatible with the spirit and intent of the Passenger Transportation Act...

Industry Notice
Auxiliary Passenger Vehicles

EFFECTIVE June 14, 2006 "Auxiliary Passenger Vehicles" are exempt from licensing requirements under the Passenger Transportation Act. Please see the attached Industry Notice for details.

Industry Notice to Licensees
Introduction of the Administrative Penalty Framework Implementation Date – March 07, 2006

(Please see the Compliance and Enforcement Folder, Item 7

Industry Advisory

The Passenger Transportation Branch has updated the information packages and application forms that go to applicants seeking to obtain or change a special authorization (please see Item 8) or a general authorization (please se Item 9). As part of the updates, the Passenger Transportation Board developed a special authorization "Application Handbook" to make it easier for applicants to understand the Board's application requirements.

The Registrar will accept the old and new forms, until June 30, 2006, however only the most current application information and forms will be available at the Passenger Transportation Branch or at the Registrar's web site. Please note, post June 30, 2006, applications submitted on the old application forms will be returned to the applicant unprocessed.

(Please see Item 18 for the complete Industry Advisory Notice.)

For our clients doing business at the
Passenger Transportation Branch
Room 104 - 4240 Manor Street Burnaby

Free parking is available at the back of the building. Please park in designated stalls (9, 10, 11, or 12) marked "RESERVED FOR MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION VISITORS"

Maximum 1 Hour Parking

All persons who transport passengers and charge or collect compensation must have a licence or permit issued under the Passenger Transportation Act.

The new Act, which replaces the Motor Carrier Act, received Royal Assent on May 13, 2004. The Act establishes a new regulatory structure for licensing commercial passenger vehicles, defined as either:

Special Authorization:

  • “Inter-city Buses”, such as vehicles providing scheduled services (set time, regular route and fixed terminal points)
  • “Passenger Directed Vehicles”, such as taxis, limousines or other passenger type vehicles with a carrying capacity of not more that 11 passengers excluding driver

General Authorization:

  • “General Passenger Vehicles”, such as hotel shuttles, sightseeing and charter buses designed to carry more than 11 passengers.

Inter-city buses and passenger directed vehicle operators will continue to be required to meet both economic entry criteria as well as safety requirements, while general passenger vehicle operators must only meet safety requirements to obtain a licence. As such, the Act will continue to maintain public safety while making it easier for some operators to enter the marketplace and respond to changing business needs.

In addition, the Act creates a series of offences for which tickets may be issued and are subject to prosecution in the courts. These sanctions apply to both licenced and unlicenced operators.

The Passenger Transportation Regulation addresses the operation of commercial passenger vehicles and the conditions that apply to each category of operation. The regulation also identifies certain types of vehicles that are exempt from the provisions of the regulations.

The Registrar is responsible for developing application guides and forms, accepting all applications, verifying safety requirements and issuing all licences. The Registrar is also responsible for initiating enforcement and compliance actions against licenced operators, through administrative penalties, including licence suspension/cancellation and refusal to issue a licence, as well as through administrative fines.

The new Passenger Transportation Board is responsible for, among other matters, determining whether applications for inter-city buses or passenger directed vehicles meet an economic test, adjudicating licence applications for inter-city buses and passenger directed vehicles, and for receiving appeals regarding penalties imposed by the Registrar.

All application forms should be submitted to:

Registrar of Passenger Transportation
Passenger Transportation Branch
Ministry of Transportation
104 – 4240 Manor Street
Burnaby BC V5G 1B2

Victoria - 250 356-0528
Burnaby - 604 453-4250
Toll Free: 888-453-4280
Email: passengertransportationbr@gov.bc.ca