Site Index

An alphabetical listing of subjects in the B.C. Ministry of Transportation website.


[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M]

[N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]


About the Ministry
Acts and Statutes, Transportation-related
Adopt a Highway
Airports (Transport Canada)
Airport Viability Study (Executive Summary)
Annual Reports
Approvals, Highway Permits and
Approved Products List (renamed Recognized Products List)
ATIS (Advanced Traveller Information System)
Avalanche Programs


Best Management Practices for Highway Maintenance Activities July 2004
Bicycle (Cycling Information)
BC Bid
BCFerries Home Page
BC Rail/CN Process for Passenger Tourist Train Service (Report of the Process Monitor on the) (PDF 338KB)
B.C. Supplement to TAC Geometric Design Guide - 2001 Edition
B.C. Transit
B.C. Transportation Financing Authority [BCTFA] Annual Report 2000-2001
Border Infrastructure Program (BIP)
Border Traffic Waits
(ATIS - Advanced Traveller Information System)
Bridge Engineering
Bridge Engineering Publications
Bridge Project Supervisor's Manual
Bridge Standards and Procedures (1996) (PDF 6.52MB)
Business Plans


Canada Road Condition Information
Canada Transportation Act (Federal)
Canada Transportation Act Review (CTAR)
Canadian Transportation Research Gateway
Careers in the Ministry
Cariboo Connector
Cattle Drive Information
Chain Status (Commercial Rigs)
CIPP (Cycling Infrastructure Partnerships Program)
Circle Routes
Claims Unit
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
Commercial Transport
Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement
Connections to the Future Forum
Construction and Maintenance Branch
Contacts (MoT Regional and District)
Contract Information
Coquihalla Rates and Information
Counterflow Operations (Lower Mainland)
Count Station Installation and Maintenance Guidelines (PDF)
Customer Satisfaction Project
CVSE (Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement)
Cycling Information
Cycling Infrastructure Partnerships Program (CIPP)
Cycling Policy in British Columbia


Dangerous Goods, (Transport of)
Design Standards Manual
Design Build Minor Specifications 2004
Development Approvals
Disaster Response Routes
Distance Calculator (B.C. Towns and Cities)
District Office Locations
Ditching - Best Management Practices
Drafting Standards Manual
Driver Information


Effects of High Voltage Transmission Line In Proximity of Highway - Study
Election Signs on a Highway Right-of-Way
Electrical Service Area Maps
Emergency Plans for BC (Provincial Emergency Program)
End Product Specifications (EPS) Paving Quality Acceptance and Quality Control Forms
Engineering Branch
Engineering Branch Publications
Environmental Management Section
eRISP Consultant Registry
Events (see, Filming and Special Events on B.C. Highways)
Exits and Landmarks, Highway
External Environment Scan


Fax-on-Demand Service
Ferry Operations and Maintenance Manuals
Filming and Special Events on B.C. Highways
Fixed Link
Forms (Ministry of Transportation)
Fraser River Crossing Planning and Evaluation Study
Freedom of Information and Privacy (Public Information)
Freedom of Information Branch
(MoT Information Privacy and Records Branch)
Freedom of Information Contacts (MoT)
Frequently Asked Questions
Frontier to Freeway - A Short Illustrated History of the Roads in British Columbia (PDF)


Gateway Program
General Survey Guide
George Massey Tunnel Bicycle Shuttle
Geometric Standards
Geotechnical, Materials and Pavement Engineering


HAS - Highway Accident System
Highway 99 Corridor Study
Highway 1 Monitoring and Evaluation Program
Highway Maintenance Contracts
Highway 37 North
Highway Permits and Approvals
Highway Planning
Highway Projects
Highway Routes in B.C.
Highways Contract Information
Hired Equipment Information
Horne Lake Connector Study
HOV Evaluation Summary
Human Resources Branch
Human Resources - Recruitment

Hydraulics Manual


ICBC Travel Alert
Inland Ferry Schedules
Inland Ferry Operations and Maintenance Manuals
Information Privacy and Records Branch
Information Systems Branch
Inspection Stations
Inspections (Vehicle Inspections and Standards)


Job Opportunities


Kicking Horse Canyon Highway Improvement Project


Landmark Kilometre Inventory (LKI)
Landmarks, Highway Exits and
Legislation, Transportation-related
Land Management Branch, Partnerships Department
Lions Gate Bridge Advanced Traveller Information System (ATIS)
Load Restrictions
Location, Design & Construction of Residential Driveways on Side Roads Outside Municipalities


Maintenance Contracts
Maintenance & Service Area Map
Maintenance & Service Area Contact Information

Manual of Aesthetic Design Practice
Manual of Standard Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings
Major Incidents
Malahat Corridor Study
Management Services and Motor Vehicles Department
Maps (BC Maps)
Marine Branch
Marine Branch Publications
Minister's Photo Gallery
Minister's Speeches
Ministry Contacts
Motor Carrier Commission (see Passenger Transportation Board and/or Registrar of Passenger Transportation)
Multi-Modal Corridor Transportation Study


National Safety Code (NSC)
National Transportation Strategy
News Releases - General
News Releases - Joint Federal / Provincial
Noise Policy (Revised Policy for Mitigating the Effects of Traffic Noise from Freeways and Expressways: Summary, November 1993 PDF - 91KB)


Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles
Okanagan Lake Bridge Project - Renamed William R. Bennett Bridge
Okanagan Lake Bridge Request for Expressions of Interest
Opening Up B.C.: A Transportation Plan for B.C.


Pacific Gateway
Partnerships Department, Land Management Branch

Passenger Transportation Act
Passenger Transportation Board
Passenger Transportation Registrar
Pavement Markings and Traffic Signs
Pavement Surface Condition Rating Manual, (2002)
Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual for British Columbia
Permits, (Highway Approvals and)
Photo Gallery, Minister's
Policy Manual for Supplemental Signs
Posted Speed Limits and Speed Limit Setting Practices in British Columbia, Review and Analysis of
Products List Index
Professional Papers and Articles
Projects, Highway
Properties and Business Management Branch
Protection of Privacy
Provincial Transportation Ministries of Canada
Publications, Ministry Reports and


Queens Printer


Railway Association of Canada
Rapid Transit Project 2000
Recognized Products List
Reference Sites

Regional & District Boundary Map
Regional Transportation Advisory Committees (RTAC)
Registrar of Passenger Transportation
Rehabilitation & Construction Section
Related Organizations
Reports and Publications
RISP Information (eRISP Consultant Registry)
Road Maps
Road Reports
Road Runner Newsletter
Roundabouts - Interim Guidelines
Route Information


Safety (Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance)
School Zones

Sea-to-Sky Highway Improvement Project
Sea-to-Sky Public Consultation
Sea-to-Sky Transportation Corridor Reports
Service and Attraction Sign Manual
Service Plans
SHIP Annual Reports
Sign Catalogue -
Please reference the Sign Pattern Manual for current Standards and Specifications
Sign Pattern Manual
Snow Avalanche Programs
South Fraser Perimeter Road Study
Special Events (Filming and Special Events on B.C. Highways)
Specifications - Design Build Minor 2004
Specifications for Standard Highway Sign Materials, Fabrication and Supply
Speed Limit Review (Title: Review and Analysis of Posted Speed Limit Setting Practices in British Columbia)
Standard Drawings
Standard Specifications For Highway Construction
Statutes, Ministry of Highways
Strategic Highway Infrastructure Program Annual Reports
Strategic Plans
Studies and Reports
Study of Viability of Smaller Airports in Canada
Subdivision Application Guide
Summer Travel Tips
Supplemental Signs, (Policy Manual for)
Survey Guide (General Survey Guide)


TAC (B.C. Supplement to TAC Geometric Design Guide - 2001 Edition)
Taxi Industry in B.C.
Technical Bulletins - BC Supplement to TAC Geometric Design Guide
Technical Bulletins - Traffic and Electrical
Technical Circulars
Tips, Seasonal Driving
Tolling Guidelines
Tourist Information
Traffic Control Manual for Work on Roadways
Traffic Controller Assembly Manual (PDF)
Traffic Controller Design Manual (PDF)
Traffic Control and Training
Traffic Control Manual
Traffic Control Person Safety
Traffic, Electrical and Geometric Standards
Traffic Management During Construction

Traffic Management Guidelines
Traffic Reversals (Lower Mainland)
Traffic Signal and Interchange Lighting - Sample Drawings
Traffic Sign Catalogue
Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings
Traffic Volumes Data
Traffic Volumes (1996-2000 PDF)
TransLink Governance Review Panel
Trans Canada Highway Corridor Management Plan - Drinkwater Road to Cowichan Bay Road - Report
Transportation Act
Transportation Plan (Opening Up B.C.: A Transportation Plan for B.C.)
Transportation Planning and Policy Department
Transportation Policy Branch
Transportation Topics


Utility Policy Manual


Vehicle Inspections and Standards


Weigh Scale Information (Renamed to Inspections Stations)
Weigh Scale Locations
Western Canada Transportation Infrastructure Strategy for an Economic Network (Report)
(PDF 2.44MB)
Western Ministers' Transportation Strategy
William R. Bennett Bridge (formerly known as Okanagan Lake Bridge)
Winter and High Altitude Driving Tips
Winter Safety — Tire Chains and Winter Tires - Brochure
Wright Report (Review of BC Ferry Corporation)




An alphabetical listing of subjects found in the Ministry of Transportation website.
Transportation Website

Site Index

Ministry Contacts

Ministry Branches
