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About this Website
Introduction to Mineral Titles Online
How Mineral Titles Online Will Work
Implementation and Transition
Help Topics
Upcoming Meetings
Minister's Letter
Frequently Asked Questions
Map Selection Presentation
hands on keyboard

Compatibility Issue Between Mapping
Component and Internet Explorer 7

Warning:  You may have heard of or recently received notice from Microsoft concerning the release of their new Internet Explorer 7.  Please note that the map viewers that MTO and several other government services use are not currently compatible with this recently released Internet Explorer 7.  Problems with the map will therefore occur if you use Internet Explorer 7 with MTO.

If you have already upgraded to IE 7, your choices are:

  • Un-install IE 7, which will re-establish IE 6;

  • Use another PC that still has IE 6 installed on it; or

  • Use a CATS terminal in a Government Agent (Service BC) office or our Vancouver and Victoria Mineral Titles Branch offices.

Reverted Crown Grant Disposition
November 14, 2006

Disposal of Crown granted 2 post mineral claims that have reverted, escheated, surrendered or otherwise been acquired by the Crown.


MTO Receives Awards

Mineral Titles Online has garnered recognition from business and  industry as well as a number of awards.


BCeID Enrollment

You must have a Business BCeID [British Columbia electronic identification] account and a Free Miner Certificate in order to conduct any business in mineral titles in British Columbia.


The government of British Columbia enhanced mineral title administration with the move to an Internet-based map selection system.

This website shares information and plans about Mineral Titles Online (MTO) with you—free miners, the mining industry, and other interested parties. The introduction and five main sections of this site are listed in the left column. To move through the site, use the links in the left column or the "Back" and "Next" buttons at the bottom of each page.

The right column includes an email link to the Mineral Titles Branch for suggestions, and links to a glossary of terms, information on BCeID enrollment, and the business site.

To start reading about MTO, click the "Start" button below.


MTO Application
BCeID Enrollment
View the glossary
Send suggestions, comments, or questions

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