Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources - B.C. Mining Plan.
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B.C. Mining Plan
(In sections; see below)
Premier's and Ministers' Letters and Executive Summary Adobe Acrobat Reader required. (PDF - 480KB)
Introduction Adobe Acrobat Reader required. (PDF - 1.51MB)
Cornerstone 1 - Focus on Communities and First Nations Adobe Acrobat Reader required. (PDF - 996KB)
Cornerstone 2 - Protecting Workers, Protecting the Environment Adobe Acrobat Reader required. (PDF - 1.54 MB)
Cornerstone 3 - Global Competitiveness Adobe Acrobat Reader required. (PDF - 1.14MB)
Cornerstone 4 - Access to Land Adobe Acrobat Reader required. (PDF - 2.25MB)
Appendices Adobe Acrobat Reader required. (PDF - 574KB)
Aggregate Review
Exploration Finance Programs
Exploration: Two-Zone System  
Exploring the Future  
Geological Survey & Development  
Map Selection Implementation Project  
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Mine Rescue 2004  
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The British Columbia government recently announced the BC Mining Plan, a comprehensive action plan to ensure recent successes in exploration and mining continue in the long term.

Read the B.C. Mining Plan

The Mining Plan presents a vision of a healthy, sustainable mining sector for the next decade and beyond. It completes the work begun by the MLA Task Force on Mining
that toured the province in 2003 receiving input from B.C. communities and the mineral exploration and mining sectors.

B.C. Mining Plan.
The Plan identifies four cornerstones of a healthy, responsible industry. The cornerstones are:
  • Focus on Communities and First Nations — a made-in-BC approach to sustainable exploration, mining and communities;
  • Protecting Workers, Protecting the Environment — continued leadership by industry and government in worker safety and environmental stewardship;
  • Global Competitiveness — actions to increase investment, streamline regulation and improve geoscience information; and
  • Access to Land — enhancing the two-zone system through improved integration of exploration and mining with other land uses.

Translating the cornerstones into results, the Plan sets out 14 broad strategies and over 50 targeted actions to support growth in mining sectors such as coal, metals, industrial minerals, placer and aggregate.

B.C.'s prospectors and miners are global leaders in modern exploration and mining as well as in the protection of the environment. The BC Mining Plan builds on this impressive record, presenting a vision and strategy for sustainable, responsible mining designed to increase investment, jobs and economic benefits for the entire province.

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