The Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) speaks on behalf of mineral producers, the major component of a $4.5 billion industry in British Columbia, Canada. In doing so, it has come to be regarded as the predominant voice of mining in British Columbia 
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February 21, 2006

Will Provincial Budget Stimulate Mine Development?

The MABC reaction to the 2006/'07 BC Provincial Budget. Read ...

December 17, 2005

2005 – A PIVOTAL YEAR FOR MINING IN BC                 

By Michael McPhie

I hesitate to call it a “boom,” but the financial performance of BC’s mining industry grew rapidly in 2005.  We estimate our industry has grown to $5 billion in mineral production, up from $4.5 billion in 2004.  More ...

December 10, 2005

"BC Running Short of Power"

Where will new supply come from?

Low cost electricity is of fundamental importance to BC's long term economic strength.  Bu will low cost continue?

This article presents the options and speaks to the pressing need to get on with serving the long-term provincial interest - providing low cost electricity, for residential, commercial and industrial consumers. Read article

November 14, 2005

"BC Mining Industry Responds Positively to Economic Update" Read Release

Mining for Talent
Canada’s minerals and metals industry facing toughest challenge.
Industry Study reveals shortage of up to 81,000 jobs. Read Summary

Read Report

September 23, 2005

Teck Cominco announces Highland Valley Copper mine life extension - Teck Cominco Limited today announced that it will proceed with a plan to extend the mine life of the Highland Valley Coppermine near Kamloops, British Columbia by approximately 5 years to September 2013. More ...

August 25 2005

Red Chris Porphyry Copper-Gold Project receives environmental assessment certificate Read More ...



August 8, 2005

Ore Quest Draws Eco-Fire

MINING: Environmentalists take hard look at new extraction projects

MABC Comment: Our recent economic success has put mining on environmental-group radar screens. However, the ultimate true test of sustainability as an industry is getting new mines permitted and built, an increasingly difficult task in BC. If we are to succeed, we will collectively and individually need to re-double our efforts to win continual support for our work -- with First Nations, with governments and with the very environmental groups that seek to oppose us. Read article

July 14, 2005

Britannia Mill Building Rehabilitation Underway

Major Donors Come Forward

AMEC has been named to provide Project Management services for Britannia Mill Building Rehabilitation Project and several significant corporate donors have stepped forward to help fund what will become the centerpiece of The Britannia Project ( Full story ...

July 12, 2005

Mining Safety Record is No Accident

The mining industry has become the safest heavy industry in British Columbia. In fact, the injury rate for workers in the mining industry is now three times lower than the next closest industry in their category. More ...

The Building of British Columbia: Mining‘s Role in the Future
Posted May 11, 2005
An Address by Michael R. McPhie
President and CEO, Mining Association of BC...
more (41K pdf) »


[Most Recent Quotes from]
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A major contributor to the BC and Canadian economy in form of employment, taxes and exports.
Mining is a $4.5 billion industry in British Columbia.
Across Canada, mining generates more than 50% of rail revenue and accounts for over 60% of total port volume.
  Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers 2003 Mining Report

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