Satisfaction Survey

What is the Satisfaction Survey?

Satisfaction surveys, administered annually as part of the accountability cycle, gather opinions from students, parents and school staff on achievement, human and social development, and safety.


The Satisfaction Survey is intended to provide a source of information to identify and celebrate current strengths, as well as to determine where schools may need to focus improvement. The survey has been kept brief and is understood as a starting point for more detailed examination and dialogue within schools.

Some of the topic areas covered by the Satisfaction Survey include: Achievement, School climate, Healthy living, and Safety.

The questions in the Satisfaction Survey were developed with input from numerous stakeholder groups. Experts in educational measurement, Special Education, teachers of early grades, and others provided advice on both question wording and the response scale. The questions also undergo annual review and assessment. The following technical reports provide more detailed information on survey question review.

Technical Reports (PDF):

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