Performance Plan: Multiculturalism and Immigration


Effective immigrant settlement and adaptation services, and multiculturalism and anti-racism initiatives

The ministry will work collaboratively and strategically to provide leadership and develop new partnerships to challenge racism, promote the many benefits cultural diversity brings to all B.C. communities, and advance the development of multiculturalism, settlement and immigration policies, programs and services.

Immigration continues to play an important role in the province’s social and economic development, and it has created a dynamic, open and diverse society that has enriched the social and cultural fabric of B.C. Through leadership, partnerships, strategic influences, and program development and delivery, the ministry coordinates activities to meet the province’s interests in multiculturalism, anti racism, settlement and immigration.

Core Business Area:

Multiculturalism and Immigration


Improved settlement and socio-economic outcomes for immigrants

Enabling and expediting the settlement of immigrants directly benefits immigrants and their local communities. The branch will build community capacity to support new immigrants and refugees through language training, settlement and adaptation services.


  1. Promote the social and economic advantages of cultural diversity.
  2. Accelerate the adaptation of immigrants to the social, cultural and political life of their communities.
  3. Enhance and expand leadership on immigration and multiculturalism policy, and settlement services for B.C.

Multiculturalism and Immigration programs include:

  • BC Settlement and Adaptation funds third parties to provide basic adult English language instruction and other settlement service supports to new immigrants;
  • BC Anti-Racism and Multiculturalism funds third-party initiatives designed to increase understanding of multiculturalism, and prevent and eliminate racism;
  • Critical Incident Response Model, a three-year, three-step process, assists B.C. communities to develop local responses to racism and hate activity;
  • support for the work of the Multicultural Advisory Council, which is composed of people appointed to advise the Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism on issues related to multiculturalism and anti-racism; and
  • management of the implementation of the Agreement for Canada – British Columbia Cooperation on Immigration and direct negotiation of issues related to the Agreement and other Memoranda of Understanding related to immigration matters.

Performance Measures and Targets

Measures for the multiculturalism and immigration goal are related to the following outcomes.

Intermediate Outcomes Long-term Outcomes
Immigrants are adjusted to life in Canada.
Immigrants are able to use English in their daily lives.
The public understands the benefits of cultural diversity.
Anti-racism awareness is increased in B.C.
Communities have the capacity to address racism and hate.
Immigrants achieve their full potential.
Immigrants identify with and enrich Canadian culture.
Communities welcome and support people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Racism is eliminated.
The economic and social benefits of immigration and cultural diversity are realized provincewide.
Performance Measure 2005/06
Percentage of recent immigrants in language training who report greater ability to use English 76% 76% 78% 78%

  The ability to speak, read and write the language(s) of the adopted country assists settlement and allows new immigrants to access the amenities and services that are available in the communities where they are residing. Facility in the English language can also help immigrants make the best use of education and employment opportunities.
Note: An extensive survey is conducted bi-annually. The next survey will be conducted in 2007/08.
Performance Measure 2005/06
Number of communities that have participated in the Critical Incident Response Model (CIRM) program 22 26 30 34

  The provincial Critical Incident Response Model assists communities throughout B.C. to develop community-led responses to racism and hate activity. This measure is related to the level of community commitment toward the promotion of anti-racism and multiculturalism.

Ministry Performance Plan Summary

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