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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Licensing, Compliance and Enforcement > Licences > Finfish Aquaculture

Application & Licensing of Finfish Aquaculture

Crown Land

Aquaculture operations on Crown land require both an Aquaculture Licence from the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries and a Crown land tenure.

Private Land

If you are interested in establishing a finfish aquaculture operation on private land, e.g., a small-scale trout pond on your private property, please contact the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands in Courtenay for licence and development plan information.

Fisheries and Aquaculture Licensing and Compliance Branch
2500 Cliffe Avenue
Courtenay, British Columbia
V9N 5M6

Telephone: 250 897-7540
Fax: 250 334-1410


Updated:  2 February 2006

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