Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534
Piste Jacques-Cartier / PortneufFrançais
Category: Trail
Come enjoy 68 km of nature trails in this enchanting meeting ground of water and greenery. Cyclists and hikers will find accommodations, rest areas and parking along the path (between Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier and Rivière-à-Pierre).
100 av. St-Jacques, bureau 5, Saint-Raymond, Québec, Canada, G3L 3Y1
Telephone: 418 337-2900 (Information)
Fax: 418 337-3636
Toll free number: 1 800 321-4992
Web site: www.portneuf.com
Cycling (68 km); Snowmobiling (68 km)
Documentation / publications; Other services
Restaurant and food services
Picnic area; Restaurant on premises
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