Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534
Parc national du Mont-TremblantFrançais
Category: Québec's national park
logoPark of recreation (under revision) with a surface of 1,492 km²
The untamed beauty of the Laurentian forest, a land of lakes, mountains and rivers where wildlife roams free: this is Mont-Tremblant Park, the largest provincial protected area. Open all-year-round, it provides a safe haven for mammals such as black bears, white-tailed deer, moose, wolf, raccoons or foxes, and for close to 200 species of birds, including the bald eagle, an endangered species in Québec. Lakes, rivers, cascading waterfalls, and mountain peaks are plentiful, allowing for a scope of outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, mountain biking, fishing, camping, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. To further your experience, rangers-naturalists provide interpretative tours on subjects such as history, beavers, geology and cervidae.
Questions on the park? Ask for your free copy of Manitonga Soutana, the official newspaper of Parc du Mont-Tremblant (published in May).
©Société des établissements de plein air du Québec
Chemin du Lac Supérieur, Lac-Supérieur, Québec, Canada, J0T 1P0
E-mail: parc.mont-tremblant@sepaq.com
Telephone: 819 688-2281
Fax: 819 688-6369
Toll free number: 1 800 665-6527  (Canada, USA)
Web site: www.sepaq.com/pq/mot/fr/
Beach; Body of water; Canoe-camping; Cross-country skiing (111 km); Cycling (59 km); Downhill skiing / snowboarding; Fishing; Hiking (163 km); Mountain biking (59 km); Plant life observation; Site interpretation; Snowmobiling; Snowshoeing (35 km); Water sports: Water sports : canoeing, Water sports : kayaking, pedals boat, Water sports : rowboats; Wildlife observation
Boutique / Sales counter; Camping accommodation; Convenience store; Lodging on the premises; Outdoor epuipment transport ($); Panoramic view / lookout; Shelter-accommodation
Rental services
Bike; Canoes; Cross-country skis; Kayaks; Rowboats; Snowshoes; Other nautical craft or equipement
Restaurant and food services
Picnic area; Restaurant on premises
Reservations recommended; Special rates
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