Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534
La Traversée de CharlevoixFrançais
Category: Trail
If you're a hiker, an intermediate-level skier or a cyclist, you will delight in the challenge offered in this magnificent setting. The extended hiking and skiing excursion is spread over seven days and six nights, while the mountain bike ride is a four-day adventure. Accommodations in a cottage or cabin.
KM 10.6 rte 381, Saint-Urbain, Québec, Canada, G0A 4K0
E-mail: traverse@charlevoix.net
Telephone: 418 639-2284
Fax: 418 639-2777
Toll free number: 1 877 639-2289  (Canada, USA)
Web site: www.charlevoix.net/traverse
Quality Indicator
Accreditation - Aventure Écotourisme Québec
Cross-country skiing (100 km); Hiking (100 km); Mountain biking (100 km)
Baggage transport; Documentation / publications; Lodging on the premises; Outdoor epuipment transport; Packages; Shelter-accommodation (6); Tour guide; Other services
Rental services
Camping gear; Other sports equipment
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