Ministry of Energy and Mines
Oil and Gas Overview

Oil and Gas

Key Initiatives
Oil and Gas Overview
Petroleum Geology
Core Facility
Pre-Tenure Plans
Rights & Responsibilities
Royalties & Taxes

Oil and Gas  > Overview

Oil and Gas Division

Oil and Gas Development Strategy


Oil and Gas in British Columbia

The Government of British Columbia is committed to promoting the development and exploration of resources in all regions of the province.  Petroleum industry activities are vital to the provincial economy, generating significant economic wealth each year and employing thousands of British Columbians. 

The 2003 calendar year was exceptional for the province: $703.8 million in Crown revenue was collected from sales of oil and gas rights, fees and rentals -- 44% higher than the last record set in 2001; a record 1041 wells were drilled; total revenue collected was $2.1 billion, 70% more than 2002; and industry expenditures in the province hit an all-time high of $5.6 billion.  Production of natural gas remained the same as in 2002 at 1.1 trillion cubic feet (Tcf). The sales value of the oil and gas production is estimated at $6.2 billion compared to $4.2 billion in 2002.

Investing in British Columbia


Under the leadership of Premier Gordon Campbell, over the past several years the Province has taken steps to make investing in oil and gas more efficient and cost effective.   BC has: cut corporate income taxes to 13.5%; eliminated the Corporate Capital Tax; eliminated the sales tax on production machinery and equipment for the oil  and gas sector; and introduced the Oil and Gas Development Strategy for the Heartlands (OGDS) including:

  • Roads: Promoting better access to resources through Public Private Partnerships, royalty credits and direct government investment
  • Service Sector Strategy: Supporting business growth through a marketing strategy and skills development.  $500,000 in skills development funding from government has been matched by industry.
  • Royalties: Targeted royalties focused on drilling deep, marginal and summer wells; and unconventional and new basins.
  • Regulation: BC Oil and Gas Regulatory Improvement Initiative (OGRII) will consolidate, integrate and harmonize regulations, creating the world's best regulatory environment for oil and gas. The Regulatory Best Practices Working Group, comprised of government and industry representatives, is also focused on regulatory reduction, streamlining and harmonization.

BC is also working to make more information available about BC's resources through resource  assessments pertaining to shale, shallow, tight, deep and coalbed gas; and interior basins.

Coalbed Gas

The Provincial government is facilitating the development of coalbed gas (CBG) throughout the province.  New legislation creates greater certainty for CBG ownership; a new coalbed gas royalty will address the unique economic characteristics of developing coalbed gas resources; and environmental and community information projects are ongoing.

Last Updated: June 30, 2006

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