Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Titles Division

Titles Division
Mineral Titles
Sales Notices
Sale Results & Statistics
Information Letters
Posting Request Maps
P&NG Rights in BC
P&NG Legislation
Other Publications
Petroleum Titles Online
Oil & Gas Division
Information for Land Owners
Geothermal Resources
Oil & Gas Commission
Petroleum Land Use


Ministry staff provided updates on new tenure related polices (1.8 mb PowerPoint Presentation) and the ministry's Oil and Gas Development Strategy (2.2 mb) at the CAPL/CAPLA Information Exchange in Calgary on April 29, 2004.

Crown reserve petroleum and natural gas rights are disposed of under section 71 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act.  Dispositions, by public tender, are made once each month. Dates for the dispositions are usually announced at least one year in advance.  Details on the rights offered in each disposition are included in notices mailed to interested parties approximately six and one-half weeks prior to the disposition. Notices are also published in the British Columbia Gazette. A list of accepted offers is released the day following the disposition. Anyone wishing to be placed on the mailing list for disposition notices or lists of accepted offers may do so by contacting the Titles Division.

Follow this link for instructions on submitting a Postings Request.

You can subscribe to one of our three email mailing lists:

To subscribe to the Information Letters mailing list, click here and type the following in the E-mail:

In Subject field type: Subscribe
In the body of the message type the following:
(NOTE:  The l is a lower case L, not the number one.  Press Enter after typing "address" so "end" is on a separate line.)
subscribe l_em_mpcaa your_email_address

To subscribe to the Titles Division Sales Notices mailing list, click here and type the following in the E-mail:

In Subject field type: Subscribe
In the body of the message
type the following:
(NOTE:  The l is a lower case L, not the number one. Press Enter after typing "address" so "end" is on a separate line.)
subscribe l_em_mpcab your_email_address

To subscribe to the Titles Division Sales Results mailing list, click here and type the following in the E-mail:

In Subject field type: Subscribe
In the body of the message
type the following:
(NOTE:  The l is a lower case L, not the number one.  Press Enter after typing "address" so "end" is on a separate line.)
subscribe l_em_mpcac your_email_address

Do not type anything further in the body or your subscription will be rejected.  (Be sure to remove any automatic signature block).

NOTE:  Some servers are set up to filter SPAM.  Please configure your email to accept Emails from:




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For assistance subscribing, contact Titles Division Sales Support.

Last Updated December 12, 2006


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