Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534
Mount Royal ParkFrançais
Category: Skating rink / arena
A fabulous spot for skiing, skating or sliding - right in the heart of the city. Winter becomes magical in this exceptional natural setting. You'll have a blast skiing in the glow of the city lights, sliding down the slopes or skating on Beaver Lake and the new refrigerated rink.
2000 ch. Remembrance, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3H 1A2
E-mail: info@lemontroyal.qc.ca
Telephone: 514 843-8240
Fax: 514 843-8255
Web site: www.lemontroyal.qc.ca
Winter sports particularities
Night time lighting
Entertainment; Ice skating
Lockers; Other services
Rental services
Ice skates
Restaurant and food services
Restaurant on premises
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