Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534
Cheese, Cranberry and Gourmet Delight DriveFrançais
Category: Route
logoA food-lover's adventure designed to introduce visitors to the exceptional flavours of the region, which has 14 cheese factories. With milk from cows, goats and sheep, there is a cheese to satisfy every palate. More than 85% of the cranberries grown in Québec come from this region, which also offers a variety of unique, quality products, including maple products. Route length: 337 km (209 mi.). Visit the Web site to consult the map and obtain full details.
20 boul. Carignan O., Princeville, Québec, Canada, G6L 4M4
E-mail: info@tourismecentreduquebec.com
Telephone: 819 364-7177
Fax: 819 364-2120
Toll free number: 1 888 816-4007  (Canada, USA)
Web site: www.tourismecentreduquebec.com/circuits.php?L=fr&S=2
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