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For Immediate Release


Dec. 16, 2005

Ministry of Attorney General

and Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism




VICTORIA – Attorney General Wally Oppal today announced that 31 British Columbia lawyers have been appointed Queen’s Counsel.


The Queen’s Counsel designation is an honour conferred on members of the legal profession to recognize exceptional merit and contribution. Appointments require that nominees demonstrate professional integrity and good character, and be a member of the British Columbia bar for at least five years.


Each September, the Attorney General calls for Queen’s Counsel nominations from the public. The deadline for submissions this year was Nov. 1. All applications were reviewed by an advisory committee, which recommended deserving candidates to the Attorney General. The appointments were made by cabinet.


The advisory committee includes the chief justice of British Columbia, the chief justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, the chief judge of the Provincial Court, the president of the Law Society of British Columbia, a member of the Law Society appointed by the benchers (directors), and the deputy attorney general. The committee also seeks the views of the Canadian Bar Association (B.C. Branch).




A list of the Queen’s Counsel appointees can be found in the attached backgrounder.


 1 backgrounder(s) attached.





Marisa Adair

Communications Director

250 387-4965

250 920-8500 (cell)


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