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Fédération québécoise des gestionnaires de zecs (FQGZ)Français
Category: Organization - sport, leisure and outdoor activity
The Fédération québécoise des gestionnaires de zones d'exploitation contrôlée (Québec federation of controlled harvesting zone managers) (ZEC) is a non-profit organization representing 63 hunting, fishing and nature ZECs, which cover about 50,000 km2 of Québec's territory. In the aim of conserving and promoting animal life, the Federation defends the interests of ZECs to various players involved in animal-related issues. It also publicly promotes these territories, which are accessible to all.
1415 boul. Charest, bureau 275, Québec, Québec, Canada, G1N 4N7
E-mail: info@fqgz.qc.ca
Telephone: 418 527-0235
Fax: 418 527-0578
Web site: www.zecquebec.com
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