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An avalanche of new options
Winter is a-knocking and preparations are revving up as Québec’s ski centres and resorts get set to welcome ski buffs as soon as the first snow hits. Here’s an overview of the latest developments on the hills. An exceptional ski season has been forecast. On your skis, get set... go!


Let’s hear it for weekends!
Autumn, winter and bewitching outings
Montréal enjoyed a sizzling summer! Nevertheless, in the townships, the green countryside has already begun to yield to fall. As we wait for Indian summer, there are still a few nice weekends left. Meanwhile, fall steals the spotlight, as evidenced by the number of film festivals. But first, we must mark All Saints Day and celebrate Halloween; then, in a twinkle, Christmas will be here. Read on for your fall program!
In the museums
Christmas at the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts
Montréal Fine Arts Museum
Visit the museum to celebrate Christmas and the New Year, find original gifts or learn how to craft angels for your tree!
The St. Lawrence Iroquoians, Corn People
The enigma of their disappearance
In 1535, Jacques Cartier reported that they were everywhere. But by the time Samuel de Champlain arrived in 1608, they were gone. Pointe-à-Callière presents The St. Lawrence Iroquoians, Corn People, an exhibition on a people who mysteriously disappeared. Some 150 artifacts from major archaeological sites tell the tale of these horticulturalists who introduced corn into the St. Lawrence valley. The tale of a singular destiny...
In Québec City at the Musée de la civilisation
Tintin in Peru
Cover : Hergé-Moulinsart - Musée de la civilisation
The Musée de la civilisation has done it again. By using Tintin to present Peru, the museum effectively brings you two exhibitions in one. In Peru with Tintin showcases the phenomenal artistic talents of Hergé, creator of the famous reporter, alongside unique artifacts from Peruvian civilization. Not to be missed. Until January 6, 2008.
An exceptional exhibition
Oscar Ghez’s favourite things
Cover: <b>Marie Bracquemond, <i>On the Terrace at Sèvres</i></b> (detail), 1880. Oil on canvas, 88 x 115 cm. Association des Amis du Petit Palais de Genève. Studio Monique Bernaz, Genève
Swiss industrialist Oscar Ghez had a passion: collecting. In fact, he was one of the last century’s greatest collectors. The objects of his affection were so numerous that Ghez had no choice but to buy a palace. After all, you need a lot of walls if you’re going to hang 5,000 canvases. Until January 7, 2007, the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec is presenting 116 works by a variety of grand masters. It’s a veritable feast for the eyes!
An enchanted village
The Ogilvy Christmas window
© Masion Ogilvy
From November 11, 2006 to January 8, 2007, come and admire the animated Christmas window display that has enchanted generations of Montréalers, right in the heart of downtown.
True story!
Snowshoeing, so cool!
Snowshoeing is an activity that’s growing by leaps and bounds both in North America and Europe. For a long time, it wasn’t popular because it made walking difficult and exhausted the snowshoer within mere hours, but traditional snowshoeing has since been reinvented. Now it’s all the rage! Snowshoes are far lighter, manageable and high-tech, so you can explore new regions with new-found freedom.
Girodet and Pellan
Two eras, two exhibitions, two rebels
They are two exhibitions that are light years apart. In their lifetimes, Anne­Louis Girodet and Alfred Pellan never would have dreamt that their work would share the same walls. The former is considered one of the pillars of the Romantic movement; the latter was a signatory, in 1948, of a manifesto calling for an art free of restrictive ideology. The Montréal Museum of Fine Arts brings these two rebels together.
It’s a dog’s life?
Hike Chicoutai, hike Darth, let’s go! You don’t have to tell them twice the dogs start running the second they hit the snowy trail. These animals adore winter and racing; in fact, they live for it. For a sled dog, cold and snow mean vacation time! For us humans, it’s a last chance to enjoy the dog days of winter before turning our attention to summer. So join us and the sled dogs for an extraordinary tale... or should we say tail?
In the museums
Neo Rauch: the German enigma
After showcasing the work of Anselm Kiefer, icon of German art in the 1980s, the Montréal Museum of Contemporary Art follows up with an exhibition on an emblematic figure in new German painting. Sought after by collectors the world over, yet largely unknown to the general public, Neo Rauch is presented in his first Canadian show at the Museum until January 7, 2007.

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