Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
Reports and Publications
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Reports and Publications

New Publications

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Action Plan for Safe Drinking Water in British Columbia (PDF  972K )

Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre (AHCC) - Fraser Health Authority and Provincial Health Services Authority (PDF 3,287 Kb)

Academic Ambulatory Care Centre (AACC) - Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (PDF 1,408 Kb)

Action Schools! BC Phase I (Pilot) Evaluation Report and Recommendations (PDF 820Kb)

Alcohol and Other Drug Problems and B.C. Women

All Licensed Child Care Programs: Routine Care Checklist (PDF 32Kb)

Anaphylaxis: A Handbook for School Boards (PDF 1.9 MB) French

Annotated Annex: Guidelines for Business and Industry (PDF  350K )

Antimicrobial Resistance (PDF 211Kb)

Annual Reports
Index of Annual Reports

A Profile of Seniors in British Columbia (PDF 1.3Mb)

A Provincial Anxiety Disorders Strategy (PDF 243Kb)

A Provincial Strategy for End-of-Life Care in British Columbia (Discussion Paper) (PDF 91Kb)

A Provincial Framework for End-of-Life Care(PDF 706 Kb)

Assess and Intervene - Report to the Minister of Health on the Recruitment and Retention of Registered Nurses and Registered Psychiatric Nurses in British Columbia March 2000


Baby's Best Chance (PDF  4M)

Baby Crying (also: How to Stop Your Baby from Crying (PDF 110 Kb)

BC eHealth Conceptual System Architecture (PDF  2M )

BC First Nations Health Handbook (PDF 2.6Mb)

B.C.'s Framework for Action on HIV/AIDS Report (PDF 967Kb)

B.C. Injury Free - A Framework for Action, The Provincial Injury Prevention Plan for Children and Youth (PDF 340Kb)

BC Laboratory Services Review (PDF 287Kb)

BC Seniors guide (PDF 205Kb)

Best Practices in Mental Health Reform

Better Care for Seniors (PDF 204 Kb)

Biennial Report of the Minister's Advisory Council on Women's Health

Breast Cancer and B.C. Women

British Columbia's Provincial Depression Strategy (PDF 2076Kb)


Performance Review of Canadian Blood Services Final Report (PDF 1.5Mb)
Executive Summary (PDF 95Kb)
"Performance Review of Canadian Blood Services is a review of the national blood authority commissioned by the provincial/territorial ministries of health."

Capital Health Region - Diagnostic & Treatment Centre (PDF 1.1Mb)

Caring for Lesbian Health: a resource for health care providers, policy makers and planners (PDF 189Kb)

Child Health Passport (PDF 2.9 Mb)

Children and Youth in Care: An Epidemiological Review of Mortality
British Columbia, April 1974 to March 2000 (PDF 725Kb)

Clinical Practice Guidelines and Protocols in B.C.

Construction and Maintenance of Private Wells (PDF 29Kb)

Consumers Guide to Filling out the British Columbia Ministry of Health's Sewage Disposal System Permit (PDF 50Kb


Dobbin Report (Word 6 Document)

Drinking Water Protection Act - White Paper on Draft Regulations (PDF 550Kb)


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BC eHealth Conceptual System Architecture (PDF  2M )

eHealth Strategic Framework (PDF  1M )

Emergency Response Planning for Small Waterworks Systems (PDF 311Kb)

Ensuring Food Safety (PDF 487Kb)

The Evolution of Seniors' Fall Prevention in British Columbia (PDF  1M )


Fair PharmaCare Brochure

Family Child Care Programs: Furnishing and Equipment Checklist (PDF 34Kb)

Federal Funding in British Columbia 2003/04 (PDF, 272 Kb)

Feeding Toddlers with Love and Good Food (PDF 219Kb)

Fire & Life Safety for Family Child Care

Food Protection Vital to Your Business (PDF 332Kb)

Fraser Valley Health Centre/Eastern Fraser Valley Cancer Centre,
Business Case February 8, 2001 (PDF 417Kb)

Furnishings and Equipment Guidelines for Licensed Child Care Facilities (PDF 1.1Mg)


Gender Inclusive Health Planning (PDF 45Kb)

Group Child Care 30 Months-School Age: Furnishing and Equipment Checklist (PDF 34Kb)

Group Child Care Under 36 Month: Furnishing and Equipment Checklist (PDF 34Kb)

Guidance & Discipline With Young Children (PDF 213Kb)

Guide to the 1999 Mental Health Act (PDF 4.1Mb)

Guidelines for Developing Bylaws Under the Health Professions Act (PDF 189Kb)

Guidelines for Personal Services Establishments (PDF 444Kb)


Health Care Consent Primer (PDF 529Kb)

BC HealthFiles

Health Goals for B.C. | Health Goals for B.C. (PDF 136Kb)

Health Goals for British Columbia Women (PDF 107Kb)

Health Goals Regional Index 1999 (PDF 211Kb)

Health Status of Children and Youth in Care in British Columbia - What do the Mortality Data Show (PDF 336Kb)

Health System's Response to Violence Against Women in B.C. (PDF 178Kb)

Healthy British Columbia (PDF 293 Kb)

Healthy Eating (PDF 794Kb)

Healthy Aging, Healthy Living (PDF 906 Kb)

Healthy Aging, Healthy Living Executive Summary (PDF, 59 Kb)

A History of Women and Health Care in British Columbia (PDF 696Kb)

HIV, Hepatitis, and Injection Drug Use in British Columbia
Pay Now or Pay Later?
(PDF 371Kb)

How Healthy are We? British Columbia's Report on Nationally Comparable Performance Indicators (PDF 417Kb)

How Healthy are We? Summary Brochure (PDF 64Kb)

How to Stop Your Baby from Crying (PDF 110 Kb)

Human Resources Plan Overview (PDF 21 Kb)

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Improving Chronic Disease Management: A Powerful Business Case for Congestive Heart Failure (PDF 304Kb)

Information Resources Management Plan (2006/07) (PDF 1M)

Interministry Committee on HIV/AIDS Report (PDF 167Kb)



Life Threating Food Allergies in Schools and Child Care Settings (PDF 114Kb)


Managing Pandemic Influenza: Guide and Annotated Annex for Local Governments (PDF 287 Kb)

Managing Pandemic Influenza: Guidelines for Business and Industry (PDF  345K)

Meals and More (PDF 738Kb)

Medical Services Commission Payment Schedule - contains the fee amounts and additional information necessary for billing and payment of medical services insured by MSP

Medical Services Plan Fee-for-Service Payment Statistics

Medical Services Plan Publications and Presentations

MSP Physician's Newsletters

Mental Health Plan 1998 (PDF 3.3Mb)

Ministry of Health Library

Ministry of Health Services 2005/06 - 2007/08 Service Plan (PDF 223Kb)

Ministry of Health Services 2004/05 - 2006/07 Service Plan (PDF)

Ministry of Health Planning 2003/04 - 2005/06 Service Plan (PDF)

Ministry of Health Services 2003/04 - 2005/06 Service Plan (PDF)

Model Standards for Continuing Care and Extended Care Services (PDF 1.1Mb)

Modernizing Medicare for the 21st Century (PDF 690Kb)

Moving Toward Change: Strengthening the Response of British Columbians Health Care System to Violence Against Women (PDF 178Kb)

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A Nutrition and Food Service Audit Manual for Larger Residential Community Care Facilities (PDF  495K)


Palliative Care Benefits Program Physician Guide and Application form

Parents Guide to Selecting Child Care (PDF 142Kb)

Partnerships for Better Health (Self-Care Project Final Evaluation Report) (PDF 346Kb)

Percolation Test Procedures (PDF 30Kb)

Performance Plan 2001/2002-03-04 (PDF 321Kb)

Performance Plan 2000/2001 (PDF 172Kb)

Performance Review Canadian Blood Services Final Report(see CBS in C Section)

PharmaCare Trends 2003 (PDF, 549 Kb)

Physician Recruitment and Retention Program (PDF 63Kb)

Picture of Health Brochure (PDF 283Kb)
A brochure on how we are modernizing British Columbia's health care system.

Picture of Health Report (PDF 1386Kb)
A report on how we are modernizing British Columbia's health care system.

Policy and Practice (PDF 215Kb)
A Report on the Use of British Columbia's Health Goals by B.C. Government Ministries

Preschool: Furnishing and Equipment Checklist (PDF 34Kb)

Preventing Illness in Child Care Settings (PDF 116 Kb)

Preventing Injury in Child Care Settings (PDF 90Kb)

Prevention of Falls and Injuries Among the Elderly (PDF 2.4Mb)

Priorities for Action 2005 Progress Report (PDF 1M 1 MB)

Priorities for Action in Managing the Epidemics HIV/AIDS in B.C.: 2003-2007

Proper Sewage Disposal Vital to Your Healthy Environment (PDF 111Kb)

Protocol for Protecting Emergency Responders From Communicable Disease (PDF 419Kb)

Provincial Health Officers Report On Health of British Columbians
(Index of Provincial Health Officer's Annual Reports)

Public Health Nurses Orientation Program (PDF 4.2Mb)


Quick Guide to Common Childhood Diseases (PDF 129Kb)


Recruitment of Foreign Trained Physicians (PDF 24Kb)

Red Road - Pathway to Wholeness: An Aboriginal Strategy for AIDS in B.C. (PDF 2.7Mg)

Regional Hospital District Cost Sharing Review (PDF 373 Kb)

Regional Hospital District Cost Sharing Review - Issues Summary (PDF 140 Kb)

Reports from the Minister's Advisory Council on Women's Health

Report of the Reference Drug Program Consultation Panel (PDF 127Kb)

Report On Health of British Columbians
(Index of Provincial Health Officer's Annual Reports)

Report on the Use of Provincial Health Goals in Regional Health Service Plans (PDF 273Kb)

Responding to Diabetes (PDF 324Kb)

Review of the Affiliation Agreement Between the Fraser Health Authority and the Sisters of Charity of Providence in British Columbia (St. Mary's Hospital). (PDF 879Kb)

Review of St. Mary's Hospital and Fraser Health Authority (PDF 139Kb)

Romanow Checklist - How Did He Measure Up? (PDF 41Kb)

Rural Action Plan (1999) (PDF 99Kb)

Rural Action Plan Update (2002) (PDF 83Kb)

Rural Programs 02/04: A Guide for Rural Physican Programs in British Columbia (PDF 232Kb)

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Safe Choices: A New Model for Regulating Health Professions in British Columbia

Safe Water Supply Vital to your Health (PDF 258Kb)

(SARS) What You Need To Know About SARS (English Version) (PDF 54Kb)

(SARS) What You Need To Know About SARS (Chinese Version) (PDF 202Kb)

School Age Care: Furnishing and Equipment Checklist (PDF 34Kb)

Self-Care Project Final Evaluation Report (PDF 346Kb)

Senior Chef (PDF 240Kb)

Septic System Maintenance (PDF 473Kb)

Sharing Expertise, Infrastructure and Information: Establishing a National Centre for Disease Control in British Columbia (PDF 1.7Mb)

Standards of Accessibility and Guidelines for Provision of Sustainable Acute Care Services by Health Authorities (PDF 1.1Mb)

Standards and Guidelines for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Young Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder in British Columbia
(PDF 181Kb)

Strategic Directions Report (PDF 138Kb)

Supporting Collaborative Models for Sustainable Maternity Care in British Columbia: Recomendations from the Maternity Care Enhancement Project (PDF, 18 Kb)

Supporting British Columbians Infected with Hepatitis C (PDF 180 Kb)

Supportive Housing Review (PDF 164Kb)  

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Tanning Salon Guidelines

Tattooing Salon Guidelines (PDF 91Kb)

Telehealth Projects: A Practical Guide

Tobacco Use in B.C.

Toddler's First Steps (PDF 1.8Mb)

Toward Better Health Care For British Columbians (PDF 1361Kb)


Unintentional Injury Prevention Programs for Children and Youth (Ages Birth to 24) (PDF 457Kb)


Vegetarian Edge (PDF 194Kb)

Vendor Complaint Review Process (103Kb)

Violence Against Women: Improving the Health Care Response (PDF 831Kb)
- Supplementary Information (PDF 5Kb)

Vital Statistics Annual Reports

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Weaving Threads Together - A New Approach to Address Addictions in BC (PDF 552Kb)

Well Protection Toolkit (this link goes to the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection who are co-producers/owners of this document)

What to do When Your Baby Won't Stop Crying (PDF 110Kb)

Women and HIV/AIDS: Access to Care (PDF 52Kb)

Women's Health Initiatives in British Columbia (PDF 178Kb)


You and Your Health (A Woman's Handbook) (PDF 320Kb)


1998 Reports on Cigarette Addictives and Ingredients and Smoke Constituents

1999/2000 Annual Report from the HIV/AIDS Advisory Committee (PDF 692Kb)

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Last Revised: December 22, 2006

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