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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Finfish Aquaculture > New Species > Freshwater

Freshwater Non-Salmonid Aquaculture

  • White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)

Commercial sturgeon farming in BC currently occurs at only one facility, located on the Sunshine Coast. Farmed sturgeon at this facility have now grown to a marketable size and recently became available, as both live and processed product, at fish markets and restaurants in the lower mainland. Other legitimate sources of sturgeon meat include commercial fisheries in the Pacific Northwest and sturgeon farms in California.

Since 2002, the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (MAL) and the Ministry of Environment (MoE) have been working to develop a comprehensive policy for commercial sturgeon aquaculture. A tagging, tracking and licensing program is an important component of the draft policy. Under this program, live farmed fish must be physically tagged before leaving the farm site. Consumers and retailers will notice a small tag with the aquaculture producer’s name and a unique number on all live farmed sturgeon. Legitimate business interests in live farmed sturgeon will also hold a licence from MoE to possess, transport and/or sell these fish.

For more information please see the following document: White sturgeon and white sturgeon aquaculture. (63.8 KB)


Updated: 1 November 2006

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