Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Southern Interior Forest Region
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Site Contents
Public Use - Homepage
Safety in Burned Forest Areas
Mushroom Picking
Mushroom Resources
Road Use and Access
Fire Prevention
General Information

Southern Interior Forest Region Home Page

Ministry of Forests Home Page

Public Use of Forested Public Lands
- Important safety and regulation advice -


A forest is not just a stand of trees, it is the ecosystem in which they grow, including the soil, other plants, animals, micro-organisms and the climate.

About 95 per cent of the forest in British Columbia is publicly owned, with the majority of the area designated as either Crown forest or as a provincial park or protected area. The public has certain rights to use and travel on public lands, but obligations as well.

For example, the public may hike, pick mushrooms or enjoy other recreational activities in public forests, but are subject to a range of laws that govern their activities. For example, it's illegal to litter and build trails. As well, anyone using public lands should respect forest resources and take responsibility for their own personal safety.

Everyone has a stake in helping keep public forest lands healthy. Report suspicious activities and environmental damage to local authorities.

All users of public forest land do so at their own risk. Use caution at all times -- not all risks are obvious!
