Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534
Centre d'interprétation des mammifères marinsFrançais
Category: Museum / interpretation centre / historic site
An essential stop on the Whale Route! Videos, games, interpretation activities, not to mention a skeleton collection that's unique in North America. Exclusive film screenings and slide shows. Specialists on site. Purchases made at the gift shop will help support the efforts of the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals.
108 rue de la Cale Sèche, C.P. 223, Tadoussac, Québec, Canada, G0T 2A0
E-mail: pcorbeil@gremm.org
Telephone: 418 235-4701
Fax: 418 235-4325
Web site: www.gremm.org
Quality Indicator
Ministère de la Culture et des Communications - Seal of Approval
Entertainment; Multimedia/slide shows/videos/movies; Self-guided tours
Boutique / Sales counter
Entertainment; Reservations required; Special rates; Special schedules; Tours : in french; Tours : in english
Services for Persons with Disabilities
Partially accessible to the physically disabled (Kéroul)

Partially accessible to the physically disabled (Kéroul)

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