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Statutes and Regulations
This version of the Statutes and Regulations of British Columbia is for private study or research purposes only, and is not the official version. The Province of British Columbia does not warrant the accuracy or the completeness of this electronic version of the Statutes and Regulations and in no event will the Province be liable or responsible for damages of any kind arising out of the use of them.
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Queen's Printer Legaleze Information (subscription required)
The Queen's Printer offers a comprehensive professional research web site containing an unofficial early consolidation of current British Columbia legislation and much more.
Queen's Printer Legaleze

Revised Statutes and Consolidated Regulations of British Columbia
This free site provides convenience copies of B.C. Acts and Regulations but is not updated as frequently as the Legalezeā„¢ site.
Statutes and Consolidated Regulations of British Columbia

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