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Election Web Links

Electoral Reform

ACE [Administration and Cost of Elections] Project: UN co-sponsored resource on election administration
BC STV Electoral System
Charter Challenge to Canada's Electoral System: constitutional challenge launched by The Green Party in the Ontario Superior Court
Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES): ongoing research into electoral institutions
Election stock market:Sauder School of Business, UBC
Electoral Reform Referendum Information Office (B.C.)
Electoral Reform Society (U.K.)
Evaluating BC-STV : Single Transferable Vote simulator (requires Java2 plugin)
Fair Vote Canada
Fair Voting BC
Inter-Parliamentary Union
Know STV
Randomocracy : A citizen's guide to Electoral Reform in British Columbia
STV for

General Election Resources

Elections Around the World
Elections BC
Elections Canada
Electoral History of BC 1871-1986
Electoral History of BC, Supplement, 1987-2001
Get Your Vote On
Rock the Vote

2005 Provincial Election

Battleground BC: Daily-updated seat-projection model from the Tyee
BCGEU [election campaign]
BC Votes 2005: The CBC's site on the 2005 provincial election
Terminal City's BC Election Coverage and Political Scrum
The Tyee's Election Central
Vote Public

2006 Federal Election

CBC Canada Votes 2006
Globe and Mail's Decision 2006

Recall Campaigns

Recall BC
Status of Recall Petitions: from Elections BC