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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
Legislative Assembly > Legislative Library > Web links >

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BC Academic Libraries

Focus: directory of BC libraries
Outlook Online Union Catalogue: internet catalogue of B.C.'s public and academic libraries
British Columbia Institute of Technology Library, and their online catalogue
Simon Fraser University Library, and their online catalogue
University of British Columbia Library, and their online catalogue
University of Northern British Columbia Library, and their online catalogue
University of Victoria Library, and their online catalogue

BC Public Libraries

BC Public Libraries: from Public Library Services
Focus: directory of BC libraries
Outlook Online Union Catalogue: internet catalogue of B.C.'s public and academic libraries
Greater Victoria Public Library, and their online catalogue
Vancouver Island Regional Library, and their online catalogue
Vancouver Public Library, and their online catalogue

BC Government Libraries

Focus: directory of BC libraries
BC Courthouse Library, and their online catalogue
Health and Human Services Library , and their online catalogue
Ministry of Energy & Mines Library, and their online catalogue
Ministry of Forests Library, and their online catalogue
Ministry of Management Services, Corporate IT & Management Library, and their online catalogue
Ministry of Small Business and Economic Development Library, and their online catalogue
Workers' Compensation Board Library

Other Legislative Libraries

Library of Parliament: virtual library
Alberta Legislative Library, and their online catalogue
Manitoba Legislative Library, and their online catalogue
National Assembly of Quebec Library, and their online catalogue
New Brunswick Legislative Library, and their online catalogue
Northwest Territories Legislative Library, and their online catalogue
Nova Scotia Legislative Library, and their online catalogue
Nunavut Legislative Library
Ontario Legislative Library, and their online catalogue
Saskatchewan Legislative Library, and their online catalogue

Other Libraries

BC Courthouse Library Society, and their online catalogue
British Library, and their online catalogue
Library and Archives Canada, and their AMICUS online catalogue
Library of Congress, and their online catalogue
New York Public Library, and their online research libraries catalogue
Toronto Public Library, and their online catalogue