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Quick Reference Web Links

Bookstores and Used Books

Abebooks: huge used book database made up of many individual bookstores
Alibris: another large used book database
Amazon: one of the largest online bookstores
Barnes & Noble: large US bookstore chain
Bibliofind: used book database, associated with Amazon
Bolen Books
Chapters-Indigo: large Canadian bookstore
Munro Books
WHSmith: online British bookstore


American Heritage Dictionary
Cambridge Dictionaries Online and
Merriam-Webster: dictionary/thesaurus, the unabridged dictionary is only available with a subscription
Parliamentary Procedure Glossary: from the Canadian Parliament
Wordsmyth: a dictionary/thesaurus, can search definitions dictionary/thesaurus


Canadian Encyclopedia
Columbia Encyclopedia: 6th edition, see below
Encarta Encyclopedia: some areas are only available to subscribers based on the Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th edition
Encyclopedia Britannica 1911 edition: a classic edition
Information Please: an wide-ranging almanac
Wikipedia: free, open-source encyclopedia


Note: none of the online sources are nearly as good as a decent quotations book
Barlett's Familiar Quotations: the 1919 edition
Columbia World of Quotations
Quote World quotes by author and topic
Quotes, Notes, and Anecdotes: select "Open" to run this separate program
Simpson's Contemporary Quotations: 1950-1988


Australian Bureau of Statistics
BC Stats
FedStats: gateway to statistics from US government agencies
GDSourcing: links to Canadian statistical sources, arranged by subject
Global Statistics: a wide variety of international statistics
Infonation: country comparisons, from the UN's cyberschoolbus
Invest BC: includes statistics information for BC communities
Statistics Canada
Canada Year Book
Estat: a large collection of Canadian statistics
A Guide to Finding 2001 Census Data: from Carleton University
Index of Downloadable Statistics Canada Publications: only accessible from within the library
Statistics Canada 2001 Census Catalogue
Studies by Stats Can: search analytical studies, research papers, series, and periodicals
United Kingdom National Statistics
United Nations Population Information Network
United States Census Bureau
Your Nation: has comparison and rankings on international statistics

Other Ready Reference

Acronym Finder
Babelfish Translation: online translation of text or web pages; far from perfect, but it often gives enough to get a general idea
Martindale's Calculators Online
Calendar Zone
Columbia Guide to Online Style
Convert Me: easy to use conversion site
Dictionary of Measures, Units and Conversions
FXConverter: currency converter
Guide for Writing Research Papers: based on the APA style
Guide to Lists of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms
Internet Archive Wayback Machine: stores web pages as they used to look
Scientific and Technical Acronyms, Symbols and Abbreviations
Sources: directory of expert contacts and media spokespersons acronyms and abbreviations
Time Zone Converter