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Search the Internet

Search Engines

Altavista, Altavista Canada, and Altavista UK
Google Canada
Google Scholar : enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports
Search Engine Colossus: a directory of international search engines
Way Back Machine: a database of older web pages

Metasearch Engines

Metasearch engines do not search the web themselves. Instead, they simultaneously submit your search to several different search engines. They are good for searching an obscure topic, but usually do not allow very precise or advanced searching.
Monster Crawler: "Web's best picks" at the top of search results are actually paid-for advertising
Vivisimo: clusters results together by secondary topic

Subject Directories

Subject directories group web sites together by topic. They contain far fewer sites than a search engine, but are easier to use, especially if you want to browse sites on a general subject.
Canadian Information by Subject: from the National Library of Canada
Google Directory
Librarians' Index to the Internet: compiled by California librarians
Maple Square Canada's Internet Directory
Yahoo, Yahoo Canada, Yahoo Australia and New Zealand, Yahoo UK
WWW Virtual Library: compiled by volunteers