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Social Issues Web Links


BC Ministry of Attorney General
Bureau of Justice Statistics: US crime statistics
Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime
National Crime Prevention Strategy
Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner


BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils
BC Ministry of Advanced Education
BC College and Institute Student Outcomes Project
BC University Student Outcomes Project
BC Post-Secondary Central Data Warehouse
Centre for Education Information Standards and Services (CEISS)
Education Planner: replaces Opening Doors for post-secondary student programs and Post-Secondary Application Service of BC
Human Resources Database: administered by the Post-Secondary Employers' Association
BC Ministry of Education
BC School Statistics
BC Teachers Federation
Canadian Education on the Web: links, maintained by the University of Toronto
Canadian Educational Association
Educator's Reference Desk
Edudata Canada
ERIC Database
Families for School Seismic Safety
Gateway to Educational Materials
Imagine BC: Dialogues on the future of British Columbia: Morris J. Wosk, Centre for Dialogue, Simon Fraser University
Safe Schools Task Force: from the Government Caucus of BC
US Department of Education
University Presidents' Council of BC


Alberta Gaming Research Institute
British Columbia Partnership for Responsible Gambling
Canadian Partnership for Responsible Gambling
Gambling Literature Database
Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

Land Use

Smart Growth BC

Poverty and Welfare

BC Ministry of Human Resources
Fulcrum Project
National Council of Welfare

Religion statistics on religion
Catholic Encyclopedia: entire 1913, 15 volume set
New Testament Gateway: annotated guide to New Testament web sites
Religion Online: more than 4000 articles and chapters


Canadian Seniors Policies and Programs Database
Centre on Aging: University of Victoria
Seniors Canada Online: from the federal government
Seniors Network of BC


Kids Canada Policy Digest: from the Canadian Policy Research Network