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Biodiversity Publications

Biodiversity & Wildlife Publications

Brochures, safety guides, species status reports, technical reports, and other publications available through this website provide information on biodiversity in BC - on species and the habitats in which they live. Publications include species and ecosystems at risk brochures and fact sheets, species status reports and recovery plans, frogwatch factsheets, mammals in BC, watershed restoration publications, fisheries management reports and technical circulars, safety guides and a variety of other documents.

Many of the publications listed on this site are in PDF format, for which you need Acrobat Reader (Download Reader). Ordering information is provided should you desire to order printed copies.

CHOOSE from our list (by title) of biodiversity-related publications (ALL) or
SEARCH for publications by series, species name, or report number (where applicable).

Lists show availability - digital or print

Additional sources of publications
Biodiversity Publications Catalogue (2001) An on-line version of the 2001 printed catalogue listing biodiversity-related publications published (since 1987) by the ministries of Sustainable Resource Management and Water, Land and Air Protection (formerly the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks), the Ministry of Forests, and the Royal British Columbia Museum. NOTE: This catalogue has not been updated since 2001.
B.C. Conservation Data Centre Provides a listing of publications produced by BC CDC staff.
Crown Publications Lists printed publications (with purchasing information) produced by the BC government. Includes BC Acts, regulations and related legislative publications.
Endangered Species & Ecosystems in B.C. (website) This site is a gateway to information about endangered species and ecosystems in BC British Columbia is home to tens of thousands of plant and animal species living in a rich diversity of habitats. Many of the species and their habitats are at risk.
EcoCat (formerly AquaCat) A searchable catalogue of aquatic-, terrestrial- and vegetation-related files including reports, map profiles, data files, digital map files, and images.
Government Publication Index (Queens Printer) A searchable index of publications produced by the B.C. government.
Identified Wildlife Management Strategy (IWMS) Provides on-line species information for species identified having habitats at risk under the Forest and Range Practices Act of British Columbia.
Ministry of Forests Research Branch Provides links to documents on silviculture, biodiversity, wildlife habitat and more.
Technical Library This special technical library (serving the ministries of Forests, Sustainable Resource Management and Water, Land and Air Protection) provides a searchable catalogue for documents and an extensive list of environment-related websites.
Html list of all Publications in the Biodiversity (Ecosystems) collection  


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