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Stewardship Information


Wildlife information and materials are developed and made available to biodiversity and wildlife programs, other agencies and organizations, and the public to increase awareness of the importance of biodiversity conservation, particularly conserving and protecting wildlife and habitat. Results of research are also made available to end-users and the public through such activities as:

Red bullet coordinating British Columbia Wildlife Watch (wildlife viewing program);
Red bullet coordinating preparation of technical publications and other wildlife- and biodiversity-related materials, including monitoring and reporting information;
(See Publications)


Red bullet Working with the staff of the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund (HCTF) and Wild BC in efforts to restore, improve and protect wildlife habitat. Wild BC is an environmental education program administered by HCTF that provides a wide range of environmental educational programs and resources to teachers and outdoor educators. Another partner is Naturescape British Columbia, a program that encourages restoration, preservation, and enhancement of wildlife habitat in our urban and rural landscapes.

For detailed information about the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund, Wild BC, and Naturescape British Columbia, click here.

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