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Fish & Habitats
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B.C. Fish Facts Factsheets
Wetlands in BC
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Fish & Habitats

The geography of B.C. offers a great diversity of aquatic habitats that supports a rich variety of flora and fauna. Water flows from snowy glaciers to small headwater streams, lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries and finally to the Pacific Ocean. Each of these habitats plays a critical role in the survival of the many species that depend upon the aquatic environment during their complex life cycles.

Over the past 150 years, aquatic ecosystems and habitats have been affected by land-use activities such as urban, agricultural and industrial development. In order to ensure the health and sustainability of our aquatic resources, we need to balance the demand on critical habitats with conservation activities.

Would you like to know what the provincial government is doing to help conserve and protect our valuable resources? Just select your area of interest to explore species at risk, provincial legislation for the protection of fish and their habitat, water for fish, and more!


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