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* Opens a new browser window
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Biodiversity-related Links

These links are provided as a service only -
we cannot be responsible for their content or where they may lead you.

Blue bullet Endangered Species & Ecosystems*
Blue bullet BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer*
Blue bullet BC Conservation Data Centre*
Blue bullet BC Wildlife Federation Wetlands Education Program*
Blue bullet BCParks*
Blue bullet Bridge River Coastal Fish Restoration Program*
Blue bullet British Columbia Wildlife Park*
Blue bullet Canadian Biodiversity Office*
Blue bullet Canadian Wildlife Service*
Blue bullet Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program*
Blue bullet COSEWIC*
Blue bullet Department of Fisheries and Oceans - Aquatic species at Risk*
Blue bullet E-Flora BC*  
Blue bullet Forest and Range Practices Act*
Blue bullet Grassland Council*
Blue bullet Habitat Conservation Trust Fund*
Blue bullet Hunting and Trapping 
Blue bullet Ministry of Forests Research*
Blue bullet Naturescape British Columbia*
Blue bullet NatureServe*
Blue bullet Peace/Williston Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program* 
Blue bullet Permit and Authorization Bureau
Blue bullet Recreational Fishing*
Blue bullet Royal BC Museum* 
Blue bullet Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory*
Blue bullet Stewardship Centre of BC * 
Blue bullet Technical Library*
Blue bullet U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service*
Blue bullet Wild BC (Project Wild)*

*Opens in a new window

Many of the sites listed above, and many others relevant to Biodiversity and Wildlife, can be accessed through the technical library page, which lists useful sites by subject area:

Blue bullet Ecosystems & the Environment
Blue bullet Environmental Evaluation & Protection Strategies
Blue bullet Legislation, Trade & Statistics
Blue bullet Government
Blue bullet Resources & Search Tools
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