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Biodiversity in BC
Species and Ecosystems at Risk
Recovery Planning
BC Frogwatch *
Alien Species
Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy & Recovery Plans
Conservation & Management
Guidelines & Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Tourism Wildlife Guidelines
Riparian Areas Regulation
Forest Investment Account *
Enforcement *
Fish & Habitats
Wetlands in BC
Wildlife Health
Stewardship Information
Wildlife Viewing *
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Biodiversity & Wildlife in British Columbia (homepage)

  • Regions

What's New

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Biodiversity in BC

  • Biodiversity in BC brochure
  • Species at risk
  • Convention on Biological Diversity
  • Endangered Species and Ecosystems in British Columbia

Species and Ecosystems at Risk

  • Endangered Species and Ecosystems in British Columbia
  • BC Conservation Data Centre
  • Tracking lists
  • Vancouver Island Marmot
  • Recovery planning
  • Species Ranking in B.C.
  • At Risk brochure list
  • Identified Wildlife Management Strategy
  • Forest Practices Code guidebooks

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Recovery Planning

  • List of Recovery Teams and Recovery Action/Implementation Groups for BC Species and Ecosystems at Risk
  • Mountain Caribou Recovery Strategy
  • North Cascades Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan
  • Recovery of Nationally Endangered Wildlife (RENEW)
  • Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Plan
  • Wood Bison Recovery Plan
  • Burrowing Owl Executive Summary
  • Marbled Murrelet Executive Summary
  • Peregrine Falcon anatum Executive Summary
  • Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team
  • South Okanagan-Similkameen Conservation Program
  • Greater Georgia Basin Steelhead Recovery Plan
  • Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team
  • Upper Columbia White Sturgeon

BC Frogwatch

  • Contact
  • What's New
  • Site Map
  • How to Frogwatch
  • Who's Who in BC
  • Report a Sighting
  • Amphibian Biology & Declines
  • Future Frogwatching
  • FAQs
  • Resources & References
  • Links

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Alien Species

  • What are Alien Species?
  • How Do They Get Here?
  • Why Should We Be Concerned?
  • Economic Costs
  • Human Health Risks
  • Ecological Consequences
  • What Is Being done?
  • Links: Aliens on the Internet

Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy and Recovery Plans

  • BC Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy
  • About
  • Projects
  • Orphan Bear Cub Review
  • Map of British Columbia Grizzly Bear Population Units
  • Recovery Plan for the Grizzly Bear Population in the North Cascades of British Columbia
  • Socio-Economic Assessment of the Recovery Plan for Grizzly Bears in the North Cascades of British Columbia
  • Progress Report from Dr. J. Peek
  • Response to the progress report by the Honorable Bill Barisoff
  • Management of Grizzly Bears in British Columbia: a Review by an Independent Scientific Panel - Final Report
  • Managing Risks of Decline for Hunted Populations of Grizzly Bears Given Uncertainties in Population Parameters
  • Grizzly Bear Harvest Management in British Columbia: Background Report
  • A Review of Grizzly Bear Harvest Management in British Columbia Report & Map
  • A letter from the Honourable Joyce Murray
  • Letter from M.Austin to D.Fraser January 28, 2002
  • Non-Detriment Finding for CITES for the Export of Grizzly Bears from British Columbia
  • B.C. Grizzly Bear Bibliography
  • Letter from D. Fraser to B. von Arx, Canadian Wildlife Service January 29, 2002

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Conservation & Management

  • Orphan Bear Cub Review
  • Wildlife Act
  • Statues and Regulations - Wildlife
  • Hunting & trapping
  • Wildlife Permit Regulations brochure
  • Identified Wildlife Management Strategy
  • Wildlife Management Areas
  • Wildlife Harvest Strategy
  • Bear Smart Community Program
  • Assessment of Harvest Strategies for Rocky Mountain Elk
  • Grizzly Bear Harvest Management Procedure
  • Recommendations of the Orphan Bear Cub Review Committee
  • Wildlife Guidelines for Commercial Recreation
  • Mountain Caribou in Managed Forests
  • HCTF, Naturescape, Wild BC

MOE Authorities under Forest & Range Practices Act (FRPA)

  • Categories of Species
  • Ungulate Winter Range
  • Identified Wildlife Management Strategy – Wildlife Habitat Areas
  • Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds
  • Wildlife Habitat Features
  • Temperature Sensitive Streams
  • Community Watersheds and Water Quality Objectives
  • Notices - FPPR Section 7 and WLPPR Section 9

Guidelines & Best Management Practices (BMPs)

  • Instream Flow Guidelines for British Columbia - Working Drafts
  • Commercial Recreation Wildlife Guidelines
  • Standards and Best Management Practices for Instream Works, March 2004
  • Vancouver Island Region - Beaver Management Guidelines
  • Appendix B: Beaver Management Guidelines in British Columbia
  • Environmental Objectives, Best Management Practices and Requirements for Land Developments
  • Appendices to BMP - Land Development
  • Urban Bio-Inventory: Terms Of Reference
  • Environmental Objectives and Best Management Practices for Aggregate Extraction
  • Sensitive Ecosystems Audit Summary
  • Sensitive Ecosystems Audit
  • Supplemental Information - Instream Works Windows
  • Wildlife Information for Commercial Backcountry Recreation Opportunities in the North Central Monashee Mountains
  • Guidelines for In-Stream Routine Effectiveness Evaluation
  • Guidelines for Off-Channel Routine Effectiveness Evaluation
  • Fuel Handling, Transportation and Storage Guidelines
  • Reduced Risk Timing Windows and Measures for the Conservation of Fish and Fish Habitat for the Omineca Region
  • Reduced Risk Timing Windows for Fish and Wildlife
  • The Stewardship Series
  • Agricultural Ditch Maintenance - Lower Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island
  • Agricultural Watercourse Maintenance Guide - Lower Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island
  • The National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure - Best Practices

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Commercial Recreation Wildlife Guidelines

  • Wildlife Permits and Commercial Licences
  • Interim Guidelines for Mitigating Impacts of Commercial Recreation on Wildlife in British Columbia
  • Permit and Authorization Service Bureau (PASB)

Riparian Areas Regulation

  • Fish Protection Act
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • The Regulation
  • The Assessment Methods
  • For Further Information...

Forest Investment Account


Fish & Habitats

  • Fish Species
  • Sturgeon
  • Fish at Risk
  • Conservation & Protection
  • Learn About Fish & Their Habitats
  • BC Fish Facts Factsheets

Wetlands in BC

  • Wetland Evaluation Guide
  • Wetland Survey

Wildlife Health

  • BC's Wildlife Health Program
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Wild Animal Disease Fact Sheets
  • Resources, Links & Organizations
  • Avian Influenza and Wild Birds
  • Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance
  • Communicable Disease Risks to Wildlife from Camelids in British Columbia
  • BC Centre for Disease Control
  • Wildlife Disease Manual
  • Wildlife Veterinarian email

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  • 2001 Biodiversity Publications Catalogue
  • Publications Search
  • B.C. Conservation Data Centre
  • Crown Publications
  • Endangered Species & Ecosystems in B.C.
  • Fisheries information - AquaCat
  • Government Publication Index (Queens Printer)
  • Identified Wildlife Management Strategy
  • Ministry of Forests Research Branch
  • Technical Library

Stewardship Information

  • British Columbia Wildlife Watch
  • Publications
  • HCTF, Naturescape, Wild BC

Wildlife Viewing

  • Online Brochure
  • Wildlife Viewing Map
  • Kootenay Wildlife Viewing brochure
  • Thompson-Nicola Wildife Viewing brochure
  • Skeena Wildlife Viewing brochure
  • Wildlife Watch Business Plan Brochure
  • North Island Wildlife Viewing Network website
  • Kootenay Region Viewing Opportunities
  • British Columbia Wildlife Watch

Biodiversity & Wildlife Contacts

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Other Links

  • Endangered Species and Ecosystems
  • BC Conservation Data Centre
  • NatureServe
  • BCParks
  • Habitat Conservation Trust Fund
  • Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory
  • Wild BC (Project Wild)
  • Naturescape British Columbia
  • Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program
  • Peace/Williston Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program
  • Bridge River Coastal Fish Restoration Program
  • Hunting & Trapping
  • Recreational Fishing
  • Library
  • Forest and Range Practices Act
  • BC Stewardship Centre
  • Ministry of Forests Research
  • Royal BC Museum
  • Canadian Biodiversity Office
  • Canadian Wildlife Service
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

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