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Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy & Recovery Plans
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Grizzly Bear Harvest Management Procedure  (PDF 193KB)
Orphan Bear Cub Review
Wildlife Guidelines for Commercial Recreation
Mountain Caribou in Managed Forests (PDF 2.5MB)
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Conservation & Management

Wildlife Management Programs endeavour to maintain and manage wildlife, habitat and sustainable uses and keep a balance between human use of wildlife and conservation by:

Red bullet administering the Wildlife Act of British Columbia;
Red bullet preparing all Wildlife Program regulations in consultation with regions and others (See Statutes and Regulations - Wildlife), including preparing the hunting and trapping regulations and all hunting synopses (For more details, choose hunting and trapping information;
Red bullet managing the Guide Industry to ensure compliance and optimum use of resources;
Red bullet administering process for licenses and permits and reviewing, advising and recommending fee structure and levels for licences and permits [The Wildlife Act Permit Regulation - an Introduction (brochure)];
Red bullet collecting and analyzing hunter and harvest data;
Red bullet determining values associated with, and developing policies for, wildlife-related activities such as hunting, viewing and trapping, and disseminating value information to the public, land-use planners, decision-makers, staff and others;
Red bullet implementing strategies to reduce conflicts between wildlife and people or their properties;
Red bullet managing for some species, including involvement in the Identified Wildlife Management Strategy [see also information about Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs)] and developing harvest strategies, e.g., Wildlife Harvest Strategy (PDF) April 1996.
Red bullet managing the Bear Smart Community Program, a program aimed at reducing bear/human conflicts. This voluntary, preventative conservation measure encourages communities, businesses and individuals to work together in addressing the root causes of bear/human conflicts, thereby reducing the risks to human safety and private property, as well as the number of bears that have to be destroyed each year. This program is based on a series of criteria that communities must achieve in order to be recognized as being "Bear Smart".
Red bullet Grizzly Bear Harvest Management Procedure April 2004 (PDF 193KB)
Red bullet

Recommendations of the Orphan Bear Cub Review Committee April 13, 2000

Red bullet Wildlife Guidelines for Commercial Recreation December 2000
Red bullet
Mountain Caribou in Managed Forests March 2001 (PDF 2.5MB)
Red bullet

working with other ministries and agencies in an effort to restore, improve and protect wildlife habitat (e.g., Habitat Conservation Trust Fund (HCTF); Wild BC, an environmental education program administered by HCTF that provides a wide range of environmental educational programs and resources to teachers and outdoor educators; Naturescape British Columbia, a program that encourages restoration, preservation, and enhancement of wildlife habitat in our urban and rural landscapes; British Columbia Wildlife Federation; and Federation of British Columbia Naturalists. For detailed information about the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund, Wild BC, and Naturescape British Columbia, click here


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