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Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayThe Trade Negotiations Committee

The Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) operates under the authority of the General Council.

It was set up by the Doha Declaration, which in turn assigned it to create subsidiary negotiating bodies to handle individual negotiating subjects. The chairman is Mr Pascal Lamy.

See also:    > Previous negotiations    > The Uruguay Round    > The Doha Ministerial Conference
    > Trade topics    > Ministerial conferences    > General Council    > Aid for Trade

See also:
How the negotiations are organized
The Doha Agenda


7 February
28 March
1 May
1 July

30 November

News of the Trade Negotiations Committee  back to top


Mandate  back to top

“The overall conduct of the negotiations shall be supervised by a Trade Negotiations Committee under the authority of the General Council. The Trade Negotiations Committee shall hold its first meeting not later than 31 January 2002. It shall establish appropriate negotiating mechanisms as required and supervise the progress of the negotiations.”

from the Doha Declaration, paragraph 46


Documents  back to top

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  • Recent negotiations documents (Document code TN/*)
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    2. > search
  • General documents of the TNC (Document symbol: TN/C/*)    > search

Documents concerning the negotiations, by subject

Agriculture (Document code TN/AG/*)    > search
   and Cotton Sub-Committee (Document code TN/AG/SCC/*)    > search
Development (Document code TN/CTD/*)    > search
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(Document code TN/DS/*)    > search
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(TRIPS) (Document code TN/IP/*)    > search
Market Access (Document code TN/MA/*)    > search
Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) (Document code TN/RL/*)    > search
(Document code TN/S/*)    > search
Trade facilitation (Document code TN/TF/*)    > search

You can perform more sophisticated searches from the Documents Online search facility (opens in new window) by defining multiple search criteria such as document symbol (i.e. code number), full text search or document date.


Doha 2001

Doha Ministerial Declaration

Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and public health

Implementation-related issues and concerns — Decision

Subsidies — procedures for extensions under Article 27.4 (of the Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Agreement) for certain developing country members

Decision on waiver for EU-ACP Partnership Agreement

Decision on EU transitional regime for banana imports

Geneva 2004

July 2004 package

Hong Kong 2005

Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration




Doha Declarations

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