Vendor Complaint Review Process (VCRP)

The following is the process for registering a Vendor Complaint relating to procurement activities carried out by or for the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (pursuant to Core Policy Chapter 6, Part II and the Vendor Complaint Review Process for Government Procurement).

Timeframe Guideline

If a complaint is not resolved through informal discussion, a vendor may complete and submit a Vendor Complaint Form [pdf] to:

  • the Ministry VCRP Advisor noted below, who will forward to the appropriate Procurement Contact (Ministry Contract Monitor).
Vendor Complaint must be received within 30 business days after notice of competition outcome.
2. The Ministry VCRP Advisor acknowledges receipt of, registers and provides a reference number (to be used in all future correspondence) for the complaint , and begins Step 3. 3 to 5 business days

The Procurement Contact investigates the complaint and provides a written response, signed by the Director, to the complainant including:

  • if denied/dismissed, the reasons; or
  • if merited, planned action and rationale.

Branch/Regions are to report unresolved complaints, along with explanations, to the Corporate Services Manager and the Ministry VCRP Advisor.

30 business days from receipt of complaint - or notify the reason for delay.
4. Unresolved complaints will be escalated to the Deputy Minister for review and reply. 30 business days from receipt of complainant’s notice of dissatisfaction.
5. Ministry VCRP Advisor updates the complaint register. 3 to 5 business days.
6. If unresolved, Vendor may pursue through the PGO Process as a final resort in terms of VCRP. 30 business days from date of Ministry’s final response.

Ministry VCRP Advisor:

Richard Wong
2 – 2975 Jutland Road
Victoria, BC V8W 9M1

Ph: (250) 356-2564
Fax: (250) 356-9239


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