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For Immediate Release


Sept. 12, 2002

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries




CAMPBELL RIVER – The government has implemented strong, scientific regulations that will allow sustainable growth of the aquaculture industry, creating new jobs in coastal communities.  In addition, a $5.1-million fund has been established to support independent research into aquaculture and the environment.


“B.C. now has the most comprehensive regulatory framework in the world, including science-based standards to protect the environment,” Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries John van Dongen said today.  “It’s time to get on with creating jobs and revitalizing the economy for B.C.’s coastal communities and First Nations.”


Development scenarios indicate aquaculture expansion could lead to more than $1 billion a year in economic activity, and 9,000 to 12,000 new jobs over the next decade, most in coastal communities.


“Today’s decision is based on our government’s commitment to a scientifically based, balanced and principled approach to environmental management that ensures sustainability, accountability, responsibility and continual improvement,” van Dongen said.


Research funding includes $3.75 million to improve aquaculture practices and other questions of public interest. Another $1.25 million will establish a chair in aquaculture and the environment at the University of B.C. The aquaculture research and development committee of the Science Council of B.C. will co-ordinate the research.


“We know aquaculture is an expanding industry with markets around the world,” said Monty Little, chair of the Science Council’s aquaculture committee. “The government has acknowledged the importance of ensuring this growth is based on good science by having the Science Council oversee this research.”


The new performance-based aquaculture waste control regulation will be reviewed within five years of its implementation, and changes made through scientific evaluation of chemical and biological standards.




Graham Currie, Communications Director  250 356-2862 / 250 888-0305 (cell)


 2 backgrounder(s) attached.


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