Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Ministry of Forests
The MinisterNewsSearchReports & PublicationsContacts
Coast Forest Region
Northern Interior Forest Region
Southern Interior Forest Region
Other Links
BC Timber Sales
Housing Department
Telephone Directory
Region & District Map

Forest Regions and Districts Web Sites

* WWW - world wide web
* FTP - file transfer protocol - FTP Server Guide
* MAP - map of forest region or district
Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email - telephone directory - includes addresses and email

Coast Forest Region

Coast Forest Region WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Campbell River Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Chilliwack Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
North Coast Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
North Island - Central Coast Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Queen Charlotte Islands Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
South Island Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Squamish Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Sunshine Coast Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email

Northern Interior Forest Region

Northern Interior Forest Region WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Fort Nelson Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Fort St. James Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Kalum Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Mackenzie Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Nadina Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Peace Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Prince George Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Skeena Stikine Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Vanderhoof Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email

Southern Interior Forest Region

Southern Interior Forest Region WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
100 Mile House Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Arrow Boundary Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Cascades Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Central Cariboo Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Chilcotin Forest District FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Columbia Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Headwaters Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Kamloops Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Kootenay Lake Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Okanagan Shuswap Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Quesnel Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email
Rocky Mountain Forest District WWW FTP MAP Telephone Directory - includes addresses and email