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MLA: Valerie Roddick 

Delta South

Elected: 1999, 2001, 2005


Web site:

East Annex
Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC
V8V 1X4

Phone: 250 387-8396

Fax: 250 952-0222

4805 Delta Street
Delta, BC
V4K 2T7

Phone: 604 940-7924

Fax: 604 940-7927

Val Roddick was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture Planning on June 16, 2005. Val was first elected in a by-election on December 7, 1999 in the riding of Delta South, and was re-elected in 2001 and again in 2005.

Val served on the Core Review Committee and Government Caucus Committees for Natural Resources, Health, Environment, Economy and Government Operations, Estimates, and the Women’s Caucus. She also served on the Select Standing Committees for Public Accounts and Health.  As chair of the Select Standing Committee on Health from 2001-2003 and again in 2004/05, Val and her colleagues toured the province, heard and received over 1000 submissions, and produced their first report in December 2001 - Patients First: Renewal and Reform of British Columbia's Health Care System followed by a second report in December 2002 - Patients First 2002: The Path To Reform. In November 2004, the committee released a new report - The Path to Health and Wellness: Making British Columbians Healthier by 2010.

A resident of Westham Island in Delta since 1974, Val has a lengthy history of community service in agricultural and environmental endeavours and with various civic groups. Val's provincial involvement includes the BC Investment Agriculture Foundation and the BC Director for the Canadian Association of Agriculture Retailers.

The Roddicks founded a farm fertilizer business in 1971, which serves the local farm community.

Val was the president of the Delta South BC Liberal Riding Association for two years for MLA Fred Gingell.

Val and her husband Noel have two grown children and a new granddaughter.