Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Campbell River Forest District
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Cutting Free Firewood From Crown Land For Personal Use


On this page …


How Can I Apply?
Where Can I Cut Firewood?

What Can I Cut?

How Much Firewood Can I Cut?

Are There Restrictions on Where and How it is Transported?
Can I Sell the Firewood I Cut?

How Long is the Permit Valid?

Who Assumes the Risk for Loss or Injury?


click here to Apply


  Trestle Lake      Snake Lake


Note:  During summer months, fire hazard may restrict firewood cutting.  The permit holder must check with local fire protection services for current restrictions. 

North Island Fire Centre:             (250) 286-7560, or

Coastal Fire Centre:                   (250) 951-4222, or

Fire Protection Web site:

Wildfire Regulation:


To Report a Wildfire, call:  1-800-663-5555, or *5555 from a cellular phone


How Can I Apply?
To apply on-line, click here.  Before accessing this on-line application process, please have the following information ready:

  • your e-mail address

  • the licence plate number of the vehicle that will be transporting the wood

You may also apply in person at your local forest district office.  Carry your permit and identification with you, as you are required by law to produce both if requested by a Forest Officer or Police Officer. 


Where Can I Cut Fire Wood?
Firewood can be cut from roadside logging debris in the designated cutting area.  The following area(s) are currently open for firewood cutting.  Please print the appropriate map and attach it to your permit.  For any other areas of interest that are not listed below, please contact the Campbell River Forest District at (250) 286-9300.




  Trestle Lake        Snake Lake       




Map(s) for any available firewood areas can be obtained at your local forest district office.


What Can I Cut?

In authorized firewood cutting areas, the following applies:

  • In former timber sale licence areas:  post harvest waste and residue, piled at roadside may be removed.

  • For other approved areas:  only dead and down timber may be removed, except cedar.

No standing timber (e.g.: live trees or snags) whatsoever may be cut.  Failure to comply may lead to enforcement action.


How Much Wood Can I Take?

A maximum of 9 m3 (three (3) cords) of wood per household, per year, can be removed from the area.


Are There Restrictions on Where and How it is Transported?

The firewood must only be transported to the residence identified on your permit application, and only in the vehicle bearing the licence plate number that you provide in your application.  Firewood must be cut to a length not greater than 46 cm (18 inches).


Can I Sell the Wood?

Any firewood cut under this permit is for personal use only and cannot be sold.  For information on commercial firewood cutting permits, please contact your local forest district and inquire about the Small Scale Salvage program.


How Long is the Permit Valid?

This permit is valid until the supply of roadside logging debris in the permit area has been exhausted, or is otherwise disposed of by the Ministry, or until the end of the calendar year in which the permit was issued, whichever comes first.


Who Assumes the Risk for Loss or Injury?

Persons engaging in firewood cutting under this permit will assume all risk of loss or injury and save harmless the Crown from all and any claims.



Thank you for your co-operation.
