Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Campbell River Forest District
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Foreshore Firewood Permits

On this page …


How Can I Apply?
Where Can I Take Wood?
What Can I Cut?

How Much Wood Can I Cut?

Are There Restrictions on Where and How it is Transported?
Can I Sell the Wood That I Take?
How Long is the Permit Valid?

Who Assumes the Risk for Loss or Injury?

What Should I Do When I’m Finished?

Commercial Log Salvage Information

click here to Apply




How Can I Apply?

To apply on-line, click here.  You may also apply at the Campbell River Forest District office.  The forest officer may issue a permit and will provide you with information and a map.  Carry your permit with you at all times, as you may be asked to produce it


Where Can I Take Wood?

Unmerchantable timber can be removed from Crown foreshore within the Campbell River Forest District, on the East Coast of Vancouver Island and on Quadra Island, below the high-water mark.  Click here to view a map of the designated cutting area.  This map can also be obtained at the Campbell River Forest District office. 


Do not remove wood from private land, Indian reserves, ecological reserves, Federal, Provincial, Regional or Municipal parks or foreshore leases.  No right of access onto or through these lands and foreshore leases is given or implied by this permit.  The onus is on the Permittee to determine the ownership of the foreshore.  It is also the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain the consent of any land owner or lease holder for access.


What Can I Cut?


Only timber of a low statutory log grade of beach worn quality may be cut.  Specifically – logs under 8 feet (2.6 metres) in length that do not show a timber mark on either end of the log.  Do not take logs bearing a visible timber mark unless you have permission from the timber mark holder.  Cedar, regardless of quality is not to be removed from the foreshore.  Failure to comply constitutes unauthorized harvest on Crown land under Section 52(1)(a) of the Forest and Range Practices Act and may be subject to enforcement action under the Act.  Unauthorized cutting may be further subject to prosecution under the Criminal Code of Canada.


How Much Wood Can I Take?


A maximum of six (6) cords (approx. 21.7 m3) of wood can be removed from the area. 


Are There Restrictions on Where and How it is Transported?


The wood must only be transported to the residence identified on your permit application.  Motorized vehicles are not to be used in the removal of timber from the foreshore


Can I Sell the Wood?


Any wood removed under this permit is for personal use only and cannot be sold or traded. 


How Long is the Permit Valid?


This permit is valid for six months from the date of issuance.


Who Assumes the Risk for Loss or Injury?


Persons engaging in wood cutting under this permit will assume all risk of loss or injury and save harmless the Crown from all and any claims.


What Should I Do When I’m Finished?


Residual damage (such as sawdust or debris) resulting from the operation must be kept to a minimum.  Special care must be used to prevent oil or grease pollution at the work site



For information about commercial log salvage permits, please contact:


on Crown Foreshore

on Crown Land


Ministry of Forests, Coast Forest Region

2100 Labieux Road

Nanaimo BC  V9T 6E9

Ph:  (250) 751-7001

fax: (250) 751-7190




Ministry of Forests, Campbell River Forest District

370 South Dogwood Street
Campbell River BC  V9W 6Y7
Phone: (250) 286-9300

Fax:     (250) 286-9490





Thank you for your co-operation.
