Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Campbell River Forest District
Forest Region and DistrictsSearch the Campbell River Forest District web siteContact Information for the Campbell River Forest District


General Information:


Please read the Timber Marks for Private Land for general information about Private Timber Mark applications.


Logging Tax:


Please see the following link for information about Logging Tax.


Application Forms:


·         Required for all applications.  Application Form and Instructions

·         Required for all applications.  Request for Mark Site Designation


·         If volume of timber will be less than 300 m3 (8-10 logging truck loads) in a 5 year period, then complete  Application for Exemption from 100% Hammer Marking


Attachments To Include With Your Application:


Before you submit your application, please download the Applicant checklist.


Please send completed applications and all attachments (see Applicant Checklist) to:


Campbell River Forest District

370 South Dogwood Street
Campbell River, B.C.
V9W 6Y7

Phone: (250) 286-9300

Fax:     (250) 286-9490




Please allow 21 business days to process.

Submitting an incomplete application will result in delays.

