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Central Cariboo Forest District
Government of British Columbia  > Ministry of Forests & Range and Minister Responsible for Housing  >  Minister's Office  >  Ministry Executive  >  Region and District Offices  > Central Cariboo Forest District
  Telephone: 250 398-4345   Email: Not Available  
  Facsimile: 250 398-4790   URL: Not Available  
200 - 640 Borland St
Williams Lake

Not Available
Name Title Telephone E-mail
Allan Balogh District Manager, R.P.F.  250 398-4345    
Ken Brahniuk Operations Manager - C&E;/Stewardship  250 398-4345    
Harold Stolar Operations Manager - Tenures/LIM/Eng/Valuation, R.P.F  250 398-4345    
Sandra Postings Operations Manager, CorporateServices/1st Nations/Range  250 398-4345    
Amber Nehring Asset Coordinator  250 398-4948    
Grant Oliver Radio Technician  250 398-4460    
Karen Higgs Supervisor Administration Services  250 398-4327    
Penni Hunt Office Assistant  250 398-4318    
Lennie McDonald Records Management Coordinator-TCC/RSI  250 398-4248    
Lonnie Rolph Receptionist  250 398-4326    
Tracy Skakun A/Records Management Coordinator-DCC  250 398-4508    
Alex Norquay Compliance & Enforcement Supervisor, R.F.T.  250 398-4649    
Eva Fickell Compliance & Enforcement Technician Range  250 398-4628    
Kimberly Kaytor Compliane and Enforcement Officer/Official, RFT  250 398-4631    
Sherman Mack Compliance & Enforcement Officer/Official, R.F.T.  250 398-4626    
Keith Pedersen Compliance & Enforcement Technician, R.F.T.  250 398-4646    
Gordon Schill Compliance & Enforcement Technician  250 790-2043    
Judy Siemens Compliance & Enforcement Technician, R.F.T.  250 398-4643    
Ray Wiggins District Compliance and Enforcement Specialist  250 398-4634    
Lindsey Wood Compliance & Enforcement Officer/Official  250 398-4644    
Bob Sklapsky District Scaling Supervisor  250 398-4367    
Darren Price Check Scaler  250 398-4849    
vacant vacant Check Scaler  250 398-4321    
Chris Easthope Range Officer, P.Ag  250 398-4364    
Chris Armes District Agrologist, P.Ag  250 398-4362    
Diane Gibson Range Agrologist, A.Ag  250 398-4358    
James Moe District Engineering Officer  250 398-4782    
Raymond Leduc Stewardship Officer, R.P.F.  250 398-4358    
Don Coombes Stewardship Technician, R.F.T.  250 398-4668    
Kerri Howse Stewardship Forester, R.P.F.  250 398-4357    
Kristine Wilker Forest Health Technician, FIT  250 398-4370    
Gloria Loewen Geomatic Supervisor  250 398-4351    
Isabel Foote Geomatic Technician  250 398-4324    
Bonnie Beaman Performance Management Coordinator  250 398-4871    
Debbie Mason Resource Clerk  250 398-4390    
Mike Gatenby Tenures Officer, R.P.F.  250 398-4689    
Blake Foster Timber Tenures Forester  250 398-4359    
Lianne Lawlor Tenures Technician, R.F.T.  250 398-4320    
Stephanie Mooney Woodlot Forester, R.P.F.  250 398-4384    
Jan Schmid Small Scale Salvage Technician  250 398-4319    
Gerry Venos Tenures Forester, R.P.F.  250 398-4775    
Brent Ruby Revenue/Pricing Technician, R.F.T.  250 398-4360    
Don Williams Revenue/Pricing Technician  250 398-4328    
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