Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Quesnel Forest District

Forest Region and DistrictsSearch the Quesnel Forest District web siteContact Information for the Quesnel Forest District         

Site Contents
Forest Facts
District Policies
Woodlot Forms
Small Scale Salvage Forms
Decking Procedures
Cutting Permit Content Checklist for Industry
Photo Gallery
District Maps
Download Permits  
Forest Health Strategy
Quesnel Road Users Committee 
General Information

Contact the District

Other Links
Quesnel FTP Site
Southern Interior Region
Ministry of Forests
BC Timber Sales
Ministry Contracts
BC Government
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Ministry of Water, Lands & Air Protections


The Quesnel Forest District encompasses approximately 1,830,000 hectares and is the most northerly forest district in the BC Ministry of Forests' Southern Interior Region.  It extends from MacAlister in the south to the Cottonwood River in the north.  The District is bisected by Highway 97. It stretches westward to the Itcha Ulgachuz Mountains and eastward beyond Bowron Lake Provincial Park to the Fraser River Divide.  The District office  is located in the city of Quesnel.


Topics of Interest

Latest Softwood Lumber dispute news

Changes to Forest Service Recreation Facilities

Wildfire Alert - Protection Branch

BC Forest Industry Health and Safety Accord
