Legislation and Policy

Advance Directive Legislation - Consultation on Bill 32: Links of Interest

Many of the publications listed on this page are in Portable Document Format [PDF]. You will need Adobe Reader.

Consultation Document:

Consultation on Advance Directive Legislation [PDF]

Current British Columbia Statutes:

  1. Representation Agreement Act
  2. Power of Attorney Act
  3. Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act

Other Links of Interest:

Links to external web sites are provided for your convenience only. The Ministry of Attorney General does not endorse them and is not responsible for their content.

  1. Alberta - Legislative Review: Personal Directives Act

  2. Alberta - Personal Directive Publications

  3. B.C. Association for Community Living - Advance Health Care Directives Policy

  4. B.C. Hospice Palliative Care Association -
    Personal Planning Instruments: A Call to Action and Change in British Columbia

  5. B.C. - Review of Representation Agreements and Enduring Powers of Attorney (McClean Report) [PDF]

  6. Catholic Health Association of British Columbia -- August 2006 Newsletter [PDF]

  7. The End of Life Project, Health Law Institute, Dalhousie University -
    Advance Directives FAQ

  8. Manitoba - Health Care Directives

  9. Manitoba - Powers of Attorney

  10. New South Wales - Using Advance Care Directives [PDF]

  11. Northwest Territories - Personal Directives

  12. Ontario - Powers of Attorney and "Living Wills"

  13. People's Law School - Power of Attorney [PDF]

  14. Public Guardian and Trustee of B.C. - It's Your Choice [PDF]

  15. Public Guardian and Trustee of B.C. - Planning for Your Future:
  16. Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan -
    Summary of the Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care
    Decision Makers Act

  17. Representation Agreement Resource Centre

  18. Representation Agreement Resource Centre - Proposal for Meaningful Choice

  19. Saskatchewan - Health Care Directives / Living Wills

  20. Special Senate Committee Report -
    Still Not There: Quality End-of-Life Care: A Progress Report [PDF]

  21. United Kingdom -
    Making decisions about your health, welfare and finances…Who decides when you can't? [PDF]

  22. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration National Ethics Committee - Advance Proxy Planning [PDF]

  23. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - Your Life, Your Choices

  24. Western Canada Law Reform Agencies -
    Enduring Powers of Attorney: Areas for Reform [PDF]