Dispute Resolution Office

The Ministry of Attorney General's Dispute Resolution Office develops and promotes non-adversarial dispute resolution options within the justice system and government. Options such as mediation encourage early settlement of disputes and are less expensive than processes used in the formal court system. Initiatives of the Dispute Resolution Office are guided by the ministry's Alternative Dispute Resolution policy and include:
  • developing and implementing the Notice to Mediate process that allows any party to most civil, non-family, actions in the Supreme Court to require all other parties to attend a mediation session;

  • developing and implementing, in collaboration with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, the Child Protection Mediation Program;

  • designing early settlement opportunities for family cases in Provincial Court, such as a requirement for people to attend a Parenting After Separation session before appearing in court;

  • helping to establish and providing continuing support to the Court Mediation Program, a mediation and training program in Provincial Small Claims Court;

  • helping to establish and acting as secretariat to the British Columbia Mediator Roster Society.

The Dispute Resolution Office publishes information bulletins and other educational materials. Other publications include a Guide to Mediation in British Columbia, Reaching Resolution: A Guide to Designing Public Sector Dispute Resolution Systems and the Dispute Resolution Series, a four-volume set on negotiation and mediation.