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Settlement and Multiculturalism Division

B.C. Settlement and Adaptation Program

The primary goal of the British Columbia Settlement and Adaptation Program (BCSAP) is to support the successful settlement and adaptation of new immigrants and refugees to British Columbia.

The Settlement and Multiculturalism Division oversees the planning, funding, implementation and management of BCSAP. Most funding for BCSAP is provided by the federal government under the terms of the Agreement for Canada - B.C. Cooperation on Immigration.

Review on
Open Tendering Process

The Division assists newcomers in adapting to Canadian society through funding contracts with third-party agencies providing essential settlement services.

BCSAP is delivered in five "streams" of service and service supports:

 BCSAP Funding Process

Funding for BCSAP is awarded through open solicitation processes advertised on the BC Bid website.

Two province-wide Requests for Proposals (RFP) processes were held in 2004 and 2005 for existing BCSAP contracts. Contracts were renewed in July 2006 and are scheduled to run until June 30, 2007, with an option to renew for an additional 1 year period based on budget availability, service demand, and contractor performance.

List of funded agencies [83KB]

BCSAP Information & Resources

2005 BCSAP Outcomes and Client Satisfaction Survey

BCSAP Evaluation

The Settlement and Multiculturalism Division will be implementing an external process evaluation of the British Columbia Settlement and Adaptation Program (BCSAP). The purpose of the evaluation is to examine how well established the program is and whether it is functioning in the most effective and efficient way . Focus Consultants, a Victoria-based evaluation research firm, has been contracted to conduct the process evaluation between September and December of 2006. The evaluation will involve confidential telephone interviews and surveys, a focus group, and a teleconference. Due to the number of service providers, a sample of survey respondents will be selected to reflect programs of differing sizes, service mix, location and scope of delivery. The results of the evaluation will be made available to BCSAP providers. As a next step, an outcome evaluation is being planned for 2007/08 . While the process evaluation identifies areas for operational improvements and informs program design, the outcome evaluation will assess the impact of the program in a larger context and inform policy development and longer-term planning.


November 15, 2006

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